[HCDX]: Tips on Voice of the People and others
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[HCDX]: Tips on Voice of the People and others
Yesterday, June 27th, I heard these:
On 7215 kHz at 1659 Voice of America signed on and had a program in English.
It was interferred by an African station with typical group/choir music. I
think they also told an address (242, 281, ... 111 - and the country code is
...???). VOA was heard better and better, so the African disappeared. VOA
signed off at 1800, but then the African could not be heard. Maybe it was
Radio Voice of the People, because today I think I heard the letters "VOP"
behind VOA - and then disappeared again.
On 7205 kHz at 1800 there was French talk and a Russian (sounding Ukrainian
to my ears!). At 1827 the African was alone and was heard quite good. Lots
of talk about Katanga and Congo. I am quite sure it was Radio Lubumbashi I
heard. At 1900 the Russian/Ukrainian was there again, making reception
On 7245 kHz at 1645 Tajik Radio, Orzu could be heard in English, according
to the published schedule. News bulletin in very bad English.
On 11590 kHz at 1555 Hua-Yi BC, Fuzhou was heard with the song "Ave Maria",
but 2 minutes later Kol Israel came in abruptly with very strong signals and
commercials and rubbed away the Chinese.
73 from
Bjorn Fransson, Sweden
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