Re: [HCDX]: Radio Yura . La Voz del Layo
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Re: [HCDX]: Radio Yura . La Voz del Layo
Dear Winter,
Tente 591 81 36216 Tel. del Centro de Capacitación y tente hablar con el
locutor Gregorio de Radio Yura.
Rogildo Fontenelle
At 18:21 05/07/2000 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear Winter,
>Not all places in Bolivia can be reached by phone. If you listen to
>R Yura, you may hear the speaker ask someone in the local coverage
>area to contact the station by "radio multibanda". They wouldn´t say
>so if there were reliable phone lines, would they?
>In the sparsely populated areas in the Bolivian "Oriente", things
>are much the same.
>But large chunks of the country are not interconnected by satellite,
>so for instance if you want to talk to R Mallku (ex R Andes), in Uyuni,
>you may get the surprise of a lifetime: the sound quality is absolutely
>By the way, on Monday morning, my semi-local friend Rolf Fredriksson
>tried for R Mallku, 4796.4, which was fair-to-good until s/off at 0205. From
>his tape I have culled the following canned s/off annc´t (which I cannot
>prevent any HCDX readers from using in their own reports):
>"A esta hora Radio Emisora Mallku cierra sus emisiones con la firme
>promesa de volver dentro de algunas horas. Radio Mallku operó en los
>4.795 kilociclos, banda tropical de 60 metros, onda corta. Muchas gracias
>por su preferencia".
>Henrik Klemetz
>PS. There is no such thing as "La Voz del Layo". The slogan you refer to
>is "La Voz del Ayllu".
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Winter Monges" <winter@xxxxxxxxx>
>To: <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 2:58 AM
>Subject: [HCDX]: Radio Yura . La Voz del Layo
>> Dear Henrik:
>> I try with North American Service GLOBAL ONE to ask for a call to Radio
>> in Bolivia, So they conect me with bolivian national operator and the girl
>> inform me that Yura don't appear in her sistem and its do not have "caseta"
>> (in english=box) and La Voz del Layo nor Radio Yura don't have registered
>> number. The operator did not know about Yura or Layo existence.
>> Regards,
>> Winter Monges
>> P.O.Box. 1.116
>> Barquisimeto 3001-A
>> Lara Venezuela
>> e-mail: winter@xxxxxxxxx
>> **************************************************
>> > DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-76, June 19, 2000
>> > edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> >
>> >{Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only provided
>> >full credit be maintained at all stages and we are provided exchange
>> >copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission}
>> >
>> >** BOLIVIA. Subject: Questioning La Voz del Layo. In a message to Don
>> >Moore, May 21, I asked for his help to check the name of the river on
>> >which the town of Yura (Bolivia) is located. As many of you may know,
>> >Don has posted a Bolivian map on the web, and as I didn`t recall the
>> >location, I asked him for the address, which is
>> >
>> >
>> >I found the map, had a look on it, but, unfortunately, I didn`t
>> >resolve the matter in a satisfactory way. So in my message for Don I
>> >wrote, among other things, as follows,
>> >
>> >>I was checking the name of the river where the town of Yura is
>> >situated. Unfortunately, I can`t read it. I am sort of questioning
>> >their reported slogan "La Voz del Layo" (unless Layo is the name of
>> >the river or something). I was thinking of another possibility; ``La
>> >Voz del Ayllu``. Time will tell.
>> >
>> >Now, in today`s SWB, just in, courtesy of Thomas Nilsson, I am glad
>> >to find a report by Rolf Wikström who says he has had a letter of
>> >verification from Rolando Cueto, ``periodista`` (journalist), and
>> >founder of R Yura, ``La Voz de los Ayllus``, running 1 kW on 4715 kHz.
>> >In Rolf`s QSL-letter, the meaning of Ayllu is explained in Spanish.
>> >In plain English, and quoting an appropriate country study - that of
>> >Peru - published by the Federal Research Division of the Library of
>> >Congress, it says,
>> >
>> >>ayllu,
>> >a self-governing and land-owning peasant community in the Andean
>> >highlands. May refer to either a village, a kinship group, or a
>> >class-like organization, usually based on collective agriculture.
>> >Although a pre-Columbian term, ayllu has been used as a synonym for
>> >contemporary highland Peasant Communities.
>> >
>> >I haven`t heard the station myself. Actually, I have not been active
>> >on the bands since the end of 1998. But as the originally proposed
>> >slogan, ``La Voz del Layo``, didn`t make much sense to me, I wanted to
>> >know by looking on a good map if there was a topographical clue in
>> >there or not (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, June 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
>> >
>> >** BRAZIL. 4683.91, unID ``La Voz de Integración``, [sic, not sure
>> >why he is quoting Spanish instead of Portuguese -gh] Amazonas (?)
>> >(Brazil), June, 2000 at 1100 UT. I heard this station for the first
>> >time on June 1 and then daily during 10-12 days with a superb signal
>> >strength but lousy audio. Probably the station had transmitter
>> >problems. I am not sure if ``LV de Integracion`` is a program or the
>> >name of the station. At one occasion I thought they said ``Atención
>> >Macau - LV de Integración``. ``Amazonas`` is also mentioned often
>> >which perhaps indicates the station location. Announces both MW and
>> >SW. The SW frequency probably starts with 47.. - 4785? During the
>> >last week no sign of the station. (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, June
>> >17, SW Bulletin, translated by ed. Thomas Nilsson for DXLD)
>> >
>> >** CONGO DR/KATANGA. Following TDP information should be of interest
>> >when discussing the reappearance of Radio Lubumbashi, as it suggests
>> >that the output power may be well above 10 kW: In 1976 Siemens
>> >delivered two shortwave transmitters from Croatian manufacturing to
>> >Lubumbashi, a 10 kW one alongside with a 100 kW one. Back in 1960
>> >already a 100 kW transmitter alongside with three 10 kW ones was
>> >delivered by Brown Boveri (Kai Ludwig, Germany, June 18, DX LISTENING
>> >
>> >We well remember R. Katanga during its brief independence in the
>> >1960s; believe it was on 11865 (gh, DXLD)
>> >
>> >** CONGO DR. We have seen no reports of R. Liberté, 15725, for many
>> >weeks now, and did anyone ever hear anything from it on the other two
>> >reported frequencies? Here is a recent reference to it, however (gh)
>> >
>> >DRCongo: Rebel radio accused of spreading hate messages for Uganda |
>> >Excerpts from report by Congolese rebel-controlled radio from Bukavu
>> >on 19th June
>> >
>> >The governor of Sud-Kivu yesterday, Sunday [18th June], spoke on the
>> >content of the resolution which was adopted in New York on Friday
>> >[16th June] by the UN Security Council on the subject of the recent
>> >developments of the Congolese crisis... He took the opportunity to
>> >criticize the media campaign by Radio Liberté [belonging to Jean-
>> >Pierre Bemba's MLC] on behalf of Uganda. The radio broadcast
>> >inflammatory messages before the Kisangani fighting like the infamous
>> >Kigali [hate radio] RTLM [Radio Television Libre des Mille Collines].
>> >Just like this radio, Radio Liberté is thought to bear a large
>> >measure of responsibility for the bad situation currently prevailing
>> >in Province Orientale. Bukavu extremists who operate Radio Patriote
>> >should also [words indistinct]. Tribalists who encourage ethnic
>> >hatred [words indistinct] should change their ways... Source: Radio
>> >Bukavu, in French 0430 gmt 19 Jun 00 (BBC Monitoring via DXLD)
>> >
>> >** ERITREA [non]. Hoi, 6045, unID stn heard on Jun 10th and 17th at
>> >1300-1359 via facilities of DTK Jülich. Transmissions seemingly on
>> >Sats only.
>> >
>> >ID supposed to be ``Demtsi Democrasiyawet Eritrea``. Three
>> >transmissions mentioned in tentative Tigrigna language: one each
>> >towards Europe, NAm, and EAf/Eritrea.
>> >To NoAm seemingly 9855 0100-0159.
>> >To EaAF seemingly on 15 MHz at 1300-1359??.
>> >
>> >I attach a short audio clip in .RA format [maybe on WOR 1041 -gh].
>> >
>> >In CRW32 - Clandestine Radio Watch of Jul 20th, 1999, I found the
>> >Eritrea entry with same station ID mentioned. SEE BELOW.
>> >vy73s de wb df5sx (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
>> >-------------------------------------------------
>> >from CRW32, Jul 20, 1999: ERITREA
>> >
>> >Voice of Democratic Eritrea
>> >Organization: Eritrean Liberation Front
>> >Address: ELF-RC Foreign Information Department, Postfach 200434,
>> > 53134 Bonn, Germany Tel: ++49-228-35618
>> >Languages: Arabic, Tigrigna
>> >Identification: (Arabic) Sowt Eritrea al-Dimuqratiya, Sowt
>> > al-Jabhat at-Tahrir al-Eritrea wa majlis ath-thawri
>> > (Tigrigna) Demtsi Democrasiyawet Eritrea
>> > Demtsi Tegadilo Harinet Eritrea Sewrawe
>> >1527-1531 8020 (Napolitano-ITA Jul 15 in CDX 251) (presumed)
>> >(via Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, June 18, DXLD)
>> >
>> >Hello, according to an answer of DTK Jülich Operating Dept. of June
>> >19th, the station keeps data of some clients VEILED, and isn't
>> >willing to publicize data details or even organization addresses. I
>> >tried to connect the phone number of ELF-RC Foreign Information
>> >Department at Bonn today, but failed. The local Bonn number missed
>> >the last/6th DIGIT. I tried to phone 35618-1 but no connect reached
>> >this morning. And all search on local Bonn telephone directory, on
>> >all criteria, FAILED. Maybe this organization moved to new Berlin
>> >address in past year. So sorry. vy73s de wb df5sx wwdxc (Wolfgang
>> >Büschel, Germany, June 19, DXLD)
>> >
>> >May I add, that Mr. Weyl rather clear states that they do so only on
>> >request of the regarding customer. Actually no specific method;
>> >Merlin also mentions no specific customer for the clandestine
>> >operations via Grigoriopol.
>> >
>> >On customer request Deutsche Telekom excludes phone numbers from the
>> >directory files. In this case one has not any chance to find out this
>> >number from public sources (Kai Ludwig, Germany, June 19, DX
>> >
>> >** GERMANY. On June 14 the general director of Deutsche Welle Dieter
>> >Weirich conducted a press conference for German and foreign
>> >journalists. There he mentioned about the station's upcoming move
>> >from Cologne to Bonn. He announced that a festive ceremony is planned
>> >on June 26 to mark the completion of a building where DW will be
>> >housed. By the end of this month the finishing and laying of the
>> >communication lines for future studios will begin in the building
>> >located on the shore of Rhine, near the former parliamentary center.
>> >In two years the central editorial office, 29 foreign services, a
>> >study center and station's administration will be located here. 500
>> >guests are invited to participate in the ceremony. Speaking about
>> >some specific plans Dieter Weirich said, "We will move to a new
>> >location sometime in 2002. I hope it will happen in the beginning of
>> >the year. Over 100 workers of DW will be located in this 30,000
>> >square meter building." Dieter Weirich officially announced a
>> >competition for the best name for the building. He said that the name
>> >should be short and should reinforce the image of DW. (from DW
>> >Russian broadcast, as published in Moscow DX Bulletin # 168 via
>> >Sergei Sossedkin, June 19, DXLD)
>> >
>> >** INDIA/KASHMIR. The AIR web pages indicate that a 50 kw SW TX is
>> >under installation in Jammu. Some years back they had a low power tx
>> >there. Also 5 x 250 kw SW Tx are under installation in Delhi. Good DX
>> >to all (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS Hyderabad, India, June 19, Electronic DX
>> >Press via DXLD)
>> >
>> >** PERÚ. 3751.02, unID Peru ``Ondas......`` (Peru?), June, 2000 at
>> >1125 UTC. Maybe a new station as this is the first time I have noted
>> >something on this frequency. They specifically begged for listeners
>> >reports when I heard the station for the first time on June 15. The
>> >day after the DJ said that reports had arrived from Santa Rosa
>> >(Peru?) among others. Religious format with good music. A lot of
>> >Mexican mariachi music, not unusual in Catholic churches. The station
>> >often jingles ``Ondas..... - con la buena programación de música
>> >cristiana``. I am sure of ``Ondas.....``, or maybe ``Ondas
>> >del.....``. Then a word follows ending with ````. UT -5. I
>> >also think they mentioned ``Peru`` once. The frequency announced ends
>> >with ``..50``.
>> >
>> >On 5855.64, unID Perú, New station! in June 2000, at 1115 UTC. On
>> >Saturday June 17, only a couple of hours before mailing this bandscan
>> >to SWB and Thomas Nilsson, probably a new station pops up on this
>> >frequency. Super quality music but the DJ`s microphone is a total
>> >catastrophe, therefore I can`t tell the name of the station. I noted
>> >the following repeated all the time: : ``estamos en calidad de
>> >prueba`` which means a test transmission. ``.... a través de la nueva
>> >emisora de......`` is also noted. They also greet friends in the
>> >dept. of Cajamarca and Amazonas and ``people at the coast``. The
>> >station is likely located in a ``....-bamba`` town probably in the
>> >dept. of Cajamarca - these two names are often mentioned. Maybe a
>> >station meant to fill the gap from Radio Nueva Cajamarca, which has
>> >been off air for a long time, noted gliding around 5860v (Björn Malm,
>> >Quito, Ecuador, June 17, SW Bulletin, translated by ed. Thomas
>> >Nilsson for DXLD)
>> >
>> >** SOLOMON ISLANDS. SIBC, 5020, 0956-1015+ 6/16 mx ``Another one
>> >bites the dust`` by Queen - a song about machine guns and killing,
>> >followed by News, with an appeal to militant groups to lay down their
>> >arms. :-) :-) :-) SIBC and ``Radio Happy Isles`` IDs. News audio was
>> >good, but was followed by program with weak audio level. (Larry
>> >Russell, MI, June 17, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
>> >
>> >** SOUTH AMERICA. Dear Glenn: Radio Blandengue from some place in
>> >South America will be back to the air the next weekend after one
>> >month of inactivity, performing his pirate activities on 14565 kHz
>> >LSB according to the following sked: ALL TIMES AND DATES ARE UT
>> >
>> >Saturday Jun 24 on 14565 kHz LSB
>> >2100 - 2130 Emisora Z del Dragon
>> >2130 - 2200 Radio Blandengue
>> >2200 - 2300 Radio Bermudadreieck
>> >
>> >Sunday Jun 25 on 14565 kHz LSB
>> >0000 - 0030 Emisora Z del Dragon
>> >0030 - 0100 Radio Blandengue
>> >0100 - 0200 Radio Bermudadreieck [Triangle]
>> >
>> >All reports correct received for snail mail QSL guaranteed. And don't
>> >forget to include 2 IRC Addresses for reports:
>> >
>> >Emisora Z del Dragon Casilla 159 Santiago 14 CHILE
>> >e-mail: emisoraz@xxxxxxxx
>> >Radio Bermudadreieck Post-Box 1136 06201 Merseburg Deutschland
>> >Radio Blandengue Box 293 Merlin Ontario N0P 1W0 CANADA
>> >
>> >Raul Gonzalez Operator of Radio Blandengue e-mails:
>> >radio.blandengue@xxxxxxxxxxxxx radio.blandengue@xxxxxxx
>> >
>> >(González, June 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
>> >
>> >** SRI LANKA: Occasionally I am getting SLBC on 9770 instead of 9730
>> >in English at 0030-0430 and at 1230-1530. This new fq was heard
>> >yesterday and today after about 2 weeks. (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
>> >Hyderabad, India, June 19, Electronic DX Press via DXLD)
>> >
>> >** TURKEY. V. of Turkey has been touting its service of FM, TV and
>> >VOT programming via TRT by satellite to Canada and the U.S. One needs
>> >a dish with a diameter of 90 to 120 cm. It has to be turned toward
>> >Telstar 5; frequency 12177 MHz, vertically polarized (Bob Thomas, CT,
>> >
>> >** U S A [non]. Hi, here is yet another story about audio delay: Last
>> >night around 2230 I found Holzkirchen 1593 with RFE Serbocroatian not
>> >less than some 2.5 seconds behind Munich-Ismaning 1197. The same
>> >program is also carried by the Bulgarian Vidin transmitter on 1224
>> >and here a single satellite hop behind 1197.
>> >
>> >I assume that RFE at Prague first forwards its output to Ismaning for
>> >further distribution. There it is carried on 1197, uplinked and
>> >likely also forwarded through microwave link to another uplink for
>> >the DTH satellite service. The Bulgarians should pick up this DTH
>> >satellite signal, hence the delay on 1224.
>> >
>> >But really weird is the heavy delay on Holzkirchen 1593, especially
>> >as this site is less than 40 kilometres away from Ismaning. My guess
>> >is, that this 2.5 seconds transmission time are the result of a
>> >little detour via the USA, perhaps around the world. Well, they were
>> >playing "Radio Gaga" from Queen while I found this... Regards,
>> >(Kai Ludwig, Germany, June 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
>> >
>> >** VATICAN [non]. WGN program preview: Monday, June 26 9:05pm CDT
>> >
>> >Extension 720: ``Catholics have fallen out of the healthy old habit
>> >of reminding each other how sinful Popes can be,`` notes one of
>> >tonight's guests, Pulitzer Prize winner Garry Wills in the
>> >introduction to his new book Papal Sin: Structures of Deceit. In his
>> >book, Wills alludes occasionally to the most egregious papal
>> >scoundrels: ``In the tenth century a dissolute teenager could be
>> >elected Pope (John XII) because of his family connections and die a
>> >decade later in the bed of a married woman.`` But most his energy is
>> >devoted to an analysis of recent popes` doctrinal pronouncements,
>> >which Wills believes have eroded the Church`s moral authority and
>> >contributed to the drastic decline in vocations to the priesthood
>> >today. Join Wills and other guests, of a different stripe, as we
>> >consider the legacy of the modern Papacy tonight on Extension 720.
>> >( via gh -- that`s UT Tue June 27 0205-0400 [start
>> >time varies to 0210; some shows are archived], DX LISTENING DIGEST)
>> >
>> >** ZIMBABWE [non]. On Monday June 19 VOA begins a new daily half hour
>> >program for Zimbabwe, where elections are scheduled for June 24-25.
>> >The United States and other countries have warned that political
>> >violence and intimidation could jeopardize the fairness of those
>> >elections. Daily 1730-1800 on 909 via Botswana, 11765 via São Tomé
>> >and 17580 via Sri Lanka; bumps Talk to America from 909, so it adds
>> >15460 via Sri Lanka M-F 1700-1800 as compensation (Kim Andrew
>> >Elliott, VOA Communications World June 17 via gh, DXLD) Language?? Is
>> >this Radio Free Africa in disguise? Totally separate programming from
>> >VOA? (gh) All in English. Hope to have more about it on the next CW
>> >(Elliott, June 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
>> >
>> >** ZIMBABWE [non]. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK).
>> >Good reception here tonight from the new Zimbabwe clandestine station
>> >Voice of the People (which actually seems to identify itself as
>> >``Radio VOP``). Heard from 1700-1730 on 7215 clear, fair signal, with
>> >only slight splatter. Programming was in vernaculars (presume
>> >Shona/Ndebele) with a few brief English IDs, e.g. at 1721 ``You are
>> >listening to Radio VOP, we continue with our broadcast``. A couple of
>> >evenings ago I also heard the 1915-1945 broadcast on 7215 kHz - not
>> >so easy at that time with co-channel interference until 1930, but
>> >clear for the last 15 minutes. (Dave Kenny, Caversham, June 19,
>> >AOR7030+30m Long wire; The above information may only be reproduced
>> >if full credit is given to the original contributor AND to the
>> >British DX Club (BDXC-UK).; via DXLD)
>> >
>> >** ZIMBABWE [non]. Radio VOP, V. of the People, 7215: I went back and
>> >listened carefully to last week`s Media Network. Jonathan Marks
>> >avoids any mention of a possible transmitter site for this,
>> >indicating to me he may have something to hide, such as Madagascar
>> >
>> >Today (UTC, i.e. June 19) Harald Kuhl wrote without mentioning a
>> >source, that ``according a official statement`` the Zimbabwe ``Voice
>> >of the People`` on 7215 is not aired by Sentech Meyerton [SOUTH
>> >AFRICA]. Glenn already made his point, so there is no need for any
>> >comments... Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, June 19, DX LISTENING
>> >DIGEST) ###
>> >
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>This is a message from "Henrik Klemetz" <dhv599n@xxxxxxxxx>
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