[HCDX]: The EDXP Radio Bookshop - BIG CHANGES!
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[HCDX]: The EDXP Radio Bookshop - BIG CHANGES!

Dear World Radio Monitoring Friend or EDXP Member,

I would like to advise that the business entity PADULA BOOKS has ceased
trading, as of June 30, 2000. The reason for its closure is that over the
past two years:

(a) Demand in Australia for imported radio reference books had declined to
a very low level, across several hundred clients, and the venture was
incurring a substantial and steadily increasing financial loss. 

(b) Demand for most titles has been insufficient to justify bulk purchases.

The situation has been exacerbated by the falling value of the Australian
dollar against the greenback, meaning that landed price for books has
correspondingly increased.

To make matters worse, import duty and sales tax on imported books are now
levied by Australian Customs and Taxation Department at the point of entry;
until now, imported books were exempt from these duties and taxes.

Furthermore, the new Goods and Services Tax in Australia has pushed up the
cost of mailing books within and outside of Australia, due to increased
postage charges for parcels effective on July 1.

I have given all this a great deal of thought, and it is now impossible to
supply Australian customers with imported publications at prices which are
deemed "reasonable" and at the same time generate a modest profit.

However, all is not lost! I will continue to share with interested persons
the results of my schedule analysis work and HF monitoring, through the
free Electronic DX Press and my printed publications. I do this as a hobby,
with no expectation of any financial gain, and GST is not applicable. If
you require the printed publications, all I ask is that I be reimbursed
with a nominal financial contribution to help offset costs of editorial
research, printing materials, postage and packaging. 

The hard-copy publications available are:

- AUSTRALASIAN SHORTWAVE GUIDE NO.9 - April 2000, A-00 Transmission Period
  pages) (A$10 in Australia, $15/US$10 airmail elsewhere)
  Period (28 pages) (A$10 in Australia, A$15/US$10 airmail elsewhere)
- AUSTRALASIAN SHORTWAVE DIGEST - edition #7 to be available early August
  pages) (subscription of A$20 for six editions, monthly, in Australia; 
  $30/US$15 airmail elsewhere)

Please visit the Electronic DX Press Web site for general information.

It had been my intention to discontinue the AUSTRALASIAN SHORTWAVE GUIDE.
However, as many hobbyists have asked for this to be maintained, it will 
continue to be published. and the next edition (number 10) will cover the
B-00 International Transmission Period, commencing on October 29, 2000.  It
will be available in late November.

Past clients of PADULA BOOKS in any country who wish to purchase copies of
annual references such as the World Radio TV Handbook, Passport to
Worldband Radio, and products from Klingenfuss Publications, are invited to

Box 6343, 
Upper Ricarton,
Christchurch  8030, 
New Zealand

Tel +64 3 3544997; FAX +64 3 3544998;  E-mail: books@xxxxxxxxxxx

Regards, and thank you for your interest!

Bob Padula
404 Mont Albert Road
Surrey Hills
Victoria 3127
Tel/FAX: +61 3 9898 2906
E-mail: bobpadula@xxxxxxxxxxx
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