[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-88 July 8
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[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-88 July 8

DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-88, July 8, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@xxxxxxxxxxx

{Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing
full credit be maintained at all stages and we are provided exchange
copies; DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission}

VOA COMMUNICATIONS WORLD: Script of our media news, including
hotlinks, is now posted at

** ASIA [non]. Re: RFA schedule in DXLD 00-87:
1300-1400 TIBETAN 7470U 11590E 13625T 15695D 17855H
E= should be Erewan / Yerevan Armenia too. (Wolfgang Büschel,

** BRAZIL. Hi Friends, All day around 0930 UT on 2380 kHz, I am
hearing Radio Mineira do Sul, Passa Quatro MG, Brazil; this is a
Harmonic 2 x 1190 kHz. I hope you will find it of interest. (Dinan
Rogério, Iracemápolis SP, Brazil, hard-core-dx July 7 via DXLD) Not
to be confused with R. Educadora de Limeira fundamental (gh)

** CANADA. Friday`s CBC As It Happens, promoted for a piece on hate
radio now in the Congo, was a letdown. Tho the interviewee had
harrowing news about the situation there, when asked about hate
radio, he had nothing definite, just that he had heard that it is
going on... (gh, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY. If anybody missed the announced ORB shortwave outlet on
15755: This frequency was replaced by 15265 at very short notice, no
idea why. On the other hand 5850 for the morning coverage of Europe
is no good choice; it suffers heavily from radioteletype on 5851.
Actually Jülich knows that and had therefore replaced this channel by
6110 on previous occasions (Sunrise Radio, Overcomer Ministries).

By the way, I think this is the first case of a station starting
broadcasting on shortwave with a announcement like "soon you will no
longer hear Fritz as you know it". The funny result of Jülich cutting
in audio at 1559 inmidst the conclusion of a regular magazine

Here also the URL where reception reports can be left through the web
pages: http://www.fritz.de/loveradio/shortwave_feedback.jsp
(Kai Ludwig, Germany, July 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Oops, my mistake in 00-87 thinking the first 1600 broadcast was on
15725 instead of 15755 (which was really 15265!). After 2200, 9405
for South America was no good because of WGTG 9400, and later, co-
channel RTTY. I did notice some music on 9525, which I suppose was
this, but techno/house is definitely not my scene (gh)

Regarding ORB Fritz, as I already wrote they were yesterday from 1600
not on 15755 but on 15265 instead. I do not know when Jülich decided
this, but there was confusion even on the on-air announcements, first
15755 was given, then later 15265 instead. The website was updated
with typo "15256"; well, the webmaster is completely new to the
subject of shortwave broadcasting and of course not familiar with the
5 kHz spacing. I hope this was the only confusion... At least 9405
was on air as announced from 2200, noted here in Germany in a mess
with FEBC in Chinese, also 13810 was properly on air this morning.
(Kai Ludwig, Germany, July 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY. Hi Glenn, Knowing your policy for correctly attributing
sources, I'd just like to draw your attention the fact that the item
about the Love Parade in DXLD-0087 credited to 'Portboys, UAE' is
word for word (give or take a couple of typos) identical to the
article I wrote and published in the Media Network Webzine on 21
June! You can read it for yourself at
There's nothing in the article that isn't in the public domain,
however I did have to search a number of different Web pages to come
up with the background info, so I guess that constitutes
"intellectual property" :-) I suggest you carefully screen
contributions from Portboys as he apparently does not understand the
concept of crediting original sources. 73, (Andy Sennitt, RN, July 8)

Hmmm, ``Port`` could be interpreted as taking stuff from elsewhere.
Yes, it is the same, including the graphic, which I excluded, minus
surrounding info which identified it as your website (gh)

RADIO FRITZ 08.07.2000 5850 kHz 55555 Schedule - Sendeplan:
(Klaus-Dieter Scholz, July 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Checking above page, there have been further changes, such as the use
of same frequency two days in a row, so on Sat-Sun we have another
chance at ``15256``, 9405, 9525, 13810... (gh)

Europe - North Africa
day 7.7. UTC
1600 - 1800 5965
1800 - 2400 3965

day 8.7. UTC
0000 - 0600 3965
0600 - 1100 5850
1100 - 1600 5975
1600 - 1800 5965
1800 - 2400 3965

day 9.7. UTC
0000 - 0600 3965
0600 - 1100 5850
1100 - 1600 5975

South America
day 8.7. + 9.7. UTC
2200 - 0500 9405

North America
day 8.7. + 9.7. UTC
0000 - 0500 9525

Northeast Asia
day 7.7. + 8.7. UTC
1600 - 2100 15256 [SIC]

day 8.7. + 9.7. UTC
0600 - 1000 13810


** GERMANY. Re: >Here is my all source list of clandestine programs
beamed to the Horn of Africa from hired facilities at DTK Julich-

1300-1400 Voice of Democratic Eritrea

Sat 0100-0200 Rainbow Radio
Sun 0100-0200 Voice of Democratic Eritrea [unconfirmed]

Hello, it may be of some interest that the above quoted broadcasts
are not aiming at Africa. 9855 beams to North America, while 6045 is
one of Jülich's standard frequencies for transmissions to Europe and
also carries RNW, TWR and Evangeliumsradio, using a vertical
incidence HQ aerial. Very few persons here in Europe speak Tigrina,
so I really wonder about the audience the Eritrean organization
expects to reach with this outlet, which is operational on
Saturdays only if I correct. I checked it out right now: The
broadcast started with a expressionless theme music, which was
interrupted for announcements, including a schedule with mentions of
Europe, America and Africa, then two men started their read-outs. By
"interrupted" I mean that they turned the fader down and up without
any feeling. The whole thing is made "on the kitchen table",
resulting in lots of reverb and some background noises. (Kai Ludwig,

** PERÚ. I have heard a new (to me) Peruvian station on 3375, R. San
Antonio, location not given, but I think in southern Perú; believe I
heard Chilay(?) mentioned. Announcer gives name of station often, but
never the location. Has anyone heard this and knows more details?
July 4 at 2325 to 0110v*. It is not the R. San Antonio de Villa
Atalaya, currently inactive. Hugs, (Rogildo F. Aragão, Cochabamba,

** ROMANIA. Radio Romania on 11940 at 0100z has a big problem with
their transmitter's signal. It seems that whatever the problem is,
they are transmitting a horrible splatter type of signal on approx.
14185 in the middle of the 20 meter ham radio band. If you monitor
both frequencies you can detect the splatter on voice peaks and it's
not just a weak signal. This evening, July 7, the interference on 20
meters was 10db over S9. There are several ham radio operators
including myself that have E-mailed the station concerning this
problem. This is not the first time that this problem has occurred.
They were contacted a few weeks ago about the same problem and a
quick fix was made but it seems that the problem is back again big
time. If others could monitor both frequencies and contact them about
this problem, hopefully they will get a clue and fix the problem or
stop transmission on 11940. I E-mailed them again on the web mail
address listed in the WRTH and I know that other hams have done the
same. This is the worst ugly signal problem that I have observed in
my 25 years being a ham and SWL (Gary Froemming, AZ, July 7, Cumbre
DX via DXLD)

** U S A [non]. Re: DXLD 86, AMG: Glenn, Also noted on 17665 kHz 2130
UT 4th July, & 17665 kHz 1945 UT 7th July, so it looks like they are
using this frequency as well. The programme is // 7360 kHz the same
as the other Beacon Programming.

Webmaster for the Online DX Logbook The most up-to-date Shortwave and
Tropical Band Loggings are always on the Online DX Logbook at:-

** U S A. Fifty-one VOA employees in the Polish, Czech, Hungarian,
Slovene, Latvian and Lithuanian services are to lose their jobs at
the end of August, and the broadcasts were to stop June 30 in order
to give them the mandatory 60 days to find new jobs, but for now the
services are continuing during negotiations with the labor union
representing them. The Polish service at 2000-2100 on Munich 1197 may
be ending shortly (Kim Elliott, VOA Communications World July 8 via

** ZIMBABWE [non]. VOA`s Zimbabwe Forum, daily 1730-1800 UT on 13640,
15460 and 909 has received funding to continue through the end of
July (Kim Elliott, VOA Communications World July 8 via DXLD) Still
from the Soros Foundation, as you told me earlier? (gh)         ###

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