[HCDX]: New Peruvian on 6672.9?
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[HCDX]: New Peruvian on 6672.9?

Hello again,

last night I heard a LA-station on 6672.93 kHz, which undoubtedly was a
Peruvian. At first I supposed to receive Radio Super Nueva Sensacion, which
was operating on 6674 some time ago. Later on I could catch a clear ID:
Radio Andina. What a surprise! Unfortunately I sometimes had heavy
utility-QRM. On that reason I was not able to pick up the name of a town or
location. I believed to hear Ayacucho, however I'm not sure.
Who has more information? Has this station something to do with R Andina on

The logging in detail:

6672.93  Radio Andina, July 8/9, 2335-0010, Spanish, huayno music and
comunicados, advertisement, several IDs.  SINPO  22322

I prepared a sound file in Real Audio format. Please let me know, if you
have interest.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Receiver: JRC NRD-525
Antenna: 25m longwire & DX-One Professional
Location: Hassfurt, Germany

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