Re: [HCDX]: Active antenna views requested
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Re: [HCDX]: Active antenna views requested
Hi John,
>I am currently using an aged British Datong AD370 active antenna with
>reasonable results, but this 15 year old active is receiving a lot of QRM.
>I have a noisy powerline just next to the property.
>I am looking for a new generation active antenna for my prime interest in MW
>and Tropical band DX that will resist powerline noise.
I don't think another active antenna will solve your QRM problem. Or you
must look at a KIWA loop or something simular. Some model you're absolutely
sure he picks up no QRMan-made.
>Has anyone tried the British Wellbrook ALA1530 or the Dutch RF Systems DX 1
I've seen quite some nice loggings being made with the ALA1530; no first
hand experience with that DX1 though. But although the ALA1530 is a loop,
he's still able to pickup QRM.
The ALA1530 is a loop antenna. If you're able to let him rotate, you can
null the powerline noise; dependable of the scatterfield of these
powerlines ofcourse. When you're very nearby, the null has to be very steep
to make sense.
A fellow dx'er has an even better setup: noise phasing with that MFJ
canceler connected to a longwire. He receives his dx via the ALA1530 which
can be rotated, and cancels QRM with the MFJ plus wire. I've seen some
weird possibilities with this; quite strange and very nice at the same time.
Maybe you can grap such a MFJ as well and connect your Dressler to it, and
continue happy dx-ing with the datong.
-= Robert
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