Re: [HCDX] Radio Eclesia - Angola (first log)
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Re: [HCDX] Radio Eclesia - Angola (first log)

At 22:16 16.07.2000 -0300, you wrote:
>Personal Alo,
>I am here to announce the whole ones mine listens in first hand of the
>Radio Eclésia, Luanda - Angola, in 15175 kHz, referred radio station
>it is transmitting in experimental phase in short waves, with music
>in the period of the listening that was the 1935UTC. The radio station
>announced that for the morning has a Magazine and for the part of the
>afternoon (1830) Angola Time, a newspaper. The radio station identifies
>as Catholic Station, with the slogan: " Uma radio para os angolanos ".
>The SINPO was 35444,   and the station sign off at 2000 UTC.
>This log was done in Benevides, at 30km of Belém with JRC NRD-545
>and dipolo antenna with 82 mts .

I heard this station here in Germany yesterday (July 17) at 1910 to 1916
with test announcements. Before and after this time period the station was
of the air. SINPO: 35433. Rx: SONY 2001 D, indoor antenna.

In fact this isn't a new station. It broadcasted also between the years
1955 and 1977 using also shortwaves at that time.

Erich Bergmann,
Ansbach, Germany

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