[HCDX] More Weekly DX News
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[HCDX] More Weekly DX News
BENIN 7210.26, R. Beninoise, 0544-0600, End of announcement by woman at
tune in, brief music. What appeared to be a program intro by man with ID
sounding like "R. Beniz". Then brief drums, and discussion by several
people alternating with talk by woman. Man announcer at 0558 over top of
the hour. Good but modulation needs peaked. (Valko 19 July)
UNID. 7215, *0600, Suddenly popped on with talk (probably news) by woman
in lang. Too weak to copy the lang. Into music bridge 0610, then talk by
woman at 0611. Got worse very quickly and barely audible by 0612, so
Sunrise at transmitter site?? (Valko 19 July)
COSTA RICA 6105.02, R. Universidad, 0600-0607*, Instrumental version of
"Dancing Queen" by Abba, live man with announcement including several IDs,
continued "Dancing Queen", and sign off with possible instrumental NA with
voice-over canned ID announcement by man at 0605 as "R. Universidad,
emisora cultural de la Universidad de Costa Rica ?? senal de ?? popular.
Las frecuencia de la ?? FM 870 AM, 6105 onda corta ?? usted desde 6 horas
continos musica ??. Para ?? Apartado 23 ??, telefono 675-396, ?? 5356 ??,
mismo...". Dead air then but carrier remained on past 0613. Clear and
strong. Fortunately this stays on after the big broadcaster on 6110 goes
off at 0600. (Valko 19 July)
CANADA 6160, Sounded like possibly both Canadians on nearly equal strength
at 0615. Both EG of course. (Valko 19 July)
73's Dave
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