[HCDX] RE: QSLs for Radio Ecclesia
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[HCDX] RE: QSLs for Radio Ecclesia

At 9:57 PM +0200 7/21/00, Andy Sennitt wrote:
via Radio Netherlands. Unfortunately, Radio Netherlands is not in a position
to QSL any of the transmissions of other broadcasters who hire airtime from
us. Quite simply, a proper QSL should include verification of programme
details. As we only provide technical facilities for the other broadcasters,
Radio Netherlands does not have those details. Reports should always be sent

I guess that makes my QSL from your Spanish department of the BBC in Spanish on 5975 kHz via Bonaire when the transmitter site in Antigua was down after a hurricane doubly rare, then. :-)

Ralph Brandi  ralph@xxxxxxxxxx  webmaster@xxxxxxxxx  http://www.anarc.org/

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