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Dear friends
I have just returned from a lovely week's holiday and have just downloaded
the inevitable mountain of e mails, many from HCDX.
I am struck by the large number of mails about Numero Uno. Is this
discussion really relevant to HCDX? Does it add to my hobby of DXing? I
look at it this way
1) I am unlikely to ever be a member of NU
2) It is clear that DX information that this group of DXers discover is
unlikely to appear in HCDX.
Therefore whatever they do is unlikely to benefit me.
I am sure that NU members are a fine bunch of people, who simply apparently
just want to communicate among themselves. So what?
What I do object to is having to download all this discussion about them. I
can remember, a few years ago, when I used to subscribe to
rec.radio.shortwave seeing threads entitled something like "Why I hate G
Hauser" and similar personalised hateful contributions.
I thought that HCDX was all about an exchange of hot DX information from
willing participants. Let's not go down the rec.radio.shortwave route.
Let's reach more for our receivers and less for our pens.
Must go.....
Don Phillips
Hard-Core-DX mailing list