[HCDX] Time Standards Stations w/adr.
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[HCDX] Time Standards Stations w/adr.

This list was kindly posted August 1 by KO6BB on the SWL Reflector.

ATA 10 000c, {10}
National Physical Laboratory, Dr K.S. Krishnan Road,
New Delhi - 110012, India

BPM 2 500, 5 000c, 10 000c, 15 000 {10}
Shaanxi Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P.O. Box 18 - Lintong, Shaanxi, China

BSF 5 000c, 15 000c {10}
Telecommunication Laboratories,
National Standard Time and Frequency Laboratory,
Chunghwa Telecom. Co. Ltd., P.O.Box 71-Chung-Li,
320 Taiwan, Republic of China

CBV 4 298, 8 677
Valparaiso Playa Ancha Radio /CBV
Subida Carvallo S/N
Playa Ancha

CHU 3 330c, 7 335c, 14 670c {5}
National Research Council of Canada,
Institute for National Measurement Standards - Time Standards,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0R6, Canada

DCF77 77.5c {0.5}
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt,
Lab. Zeit-und Frequenzebertragung,
Bundesallee 100, D - 38116 Braunschweig, Germany

EBC 15 006b, 4998b {10}
Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada -
11100 San Fernando, Cadiz, Spain

HBG 75c {0.5}
Service horaire HBG,
Observatoire Cantonal,
CH - 2000 NeuchÃtel, Switzerland

HLA 5 000c {10}
Time and Frequency Laboratory,
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science,
Yusong P.O. Box 102, Taejon 305-600, Republic of Korea

IAM 5 000 {50}
Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Techologie dellâInformazione,
Viale America 201, 00144 - Rome, Italy

JG2AS 40c {10} JJY 5 000c, 8 000c, 10 000c {10}
Standards and Measurements Division,
Communications Research Laboratory,
2 - 1, Nukui-kitamachi 4 - chome, Koganei-shi,
Tokyo, 184 Japan

LOL1 5 000, 10 000, 15 000 {10}
Servicio de Hidrografia Naval,
Observatorio Naval,
Av. EspaÃa 2099,
1 107 Buenos-Aires, Argentina

MSF 60c {2} (the Rugby transmitter)
Time and Frequency Services,
National Physical Laboratory,
Teddington, Middlesex,
United Kingdom TW11 0LW, tel: 0181 943 6493, fax: 0181 943 7138

PPR 435b, 4 244b, 8 634b, 13 105b, 17 194.4b
Departemento ServiÃo da hora,
Observatorio Nacional (CNPq),
Rua General Bruce 586,
Sao Cristovao, 20921-030 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

RAB-99 25b {5} RBU 66.66c {5}
ULA -4 2500b, 5000b, 10000b {50}
RTZ 50b {5} RWM 4 996, 9 996, 14 996 {50}
RJH-63, RJH-69, RJH-77, RJH-86, RJH-90 25b {5}
Institute of Metrology for Time and Space (IMVP),
GP "VNIIFTRI", Mendeleevo,
Moscow Region 141570, Russia

TDF 162c {2} (Allouis l.f. broadcast transmitter)
France Telecom,
Centre National d'Etudes des TÃlÃcommunications - DTD/ECG,
Etalons de frÃquence et de Temps,
196 avenue Henri RavÃra, 92220-Bagneux, France

VNG 2 500c, 5 000c, 8 638c, 12 984c, 16 000 {10}
National Standards Commission,
P.O. Box 282, North Ryde NSW,
2113 Australia

WWV 2 500c, 5 000c, 10 000c, 15 000c, 20 000c {10} WWVB 60c {10}
WWVH 2 500c, 5 000c, 10 000c, 15 000c (Hawaii) {10}
Time and Frequency Division - 847.00,
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80303, U.S.A.

YVTO 5 000c
Direccion de Hidrografia y Navegacion,
Observatorio Cagigal,
Apartado Postal No 6745,
Caracas, Venezuela
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