Re: [HCDX] MFJ-1026 vs ANC-4
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Re: [HCDX] MFJ-1026 vs ANC-4

Hi Rocco,

The problem might be the lamp, working as a lowcost surge protector,  which is installed between the auxiliary input socket and the printed circuit board. Remove the top cover of the unit and try to bypass the lamp with a short piece of wire. Make sure the antenna is connected. If gain increases, you found your problem. Either replace the lamp or bypass it.

Good luck,

At 19:52 27-8-00, you wrote:

I have bought a mfj1026 a few months ago, but I have been a happy user for
just a week. After that, the unit stopped working, because the auxiliary
antenna input became totally insensitive. Any idea of what happened or how
to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance

on 27-08-2000 16:39, Don at ulformat@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Patrick
> Just a note about the unit I loaned you: It  had the modifications to remove
> the filters that preclude use on MW. see
> for
> "first modification". I did not do the "second modification" to this 1026 --
> undoubtedly it will improve the unit.
> These modifications are trivial to make --- rather than desolder the surface
> mount components and risk heat damage to surrounding components, the
> offending filters were "crushed in place" by squeezing them with needlenose
> pliers to to remove them.  Loads easier than attempting to desolder.  Should
> you ever wish to revert, it is easy to desolder the remaining end of each
> component, and to resolder in new surface mount components.
> Don
> Oregon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Patrick Martin" <mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Don" <ulformat@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; <amfmtvdx@xxxxxxx>; <irca@xxxxxxxxxxx>;
> <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 12:26 AM
> Subject: [HCDX] MFJ-1026 vs ANC-4
>> I recently borrowed an MFJ-1026 unit to try and cancel some unwanted
>> noise. Well since the unit arrived there has been no noise. But in
>> comparing the unit with the ANC-4, the MFJ unit is fantastic! The ANC-4
>> unit does a decent job in phasing out unwanted signals, but operating
>> the ANC unit is so touchy and hard to really get a perfect null on a
>> signal especially the locals. I find the MFJ unit much easier to use and
>> works much better. As many of you read, I was able to phase out 50 KW
>> KGO with an ERP of about 500 KW North, at 550 miles, to hear little WHB
>> with 5 KW nights. That is quite a feat even with beverages. Anyone who
>> has heard KGO in the NW knows they are a "powerhouse" Back in the 70s
>> KGO even came in number #2 in the Portland ratings, so many people
>> listened to them.
>> Anyway tonight I was phasing out KSWB-Seaside-840 khz, located 7
>> miles South runing 500w ND. It is easy to hear other stations under them
>> at night. No big deal. However, generally stations to the East as easy
>> to hear like KMAX-Colfax,WA or even Las Vegas, NV with 50 KW at times.
>> But tonight I was able to totally null out KSWB using my Northern
>> Beverage and a vertical to hear at S9/20DB on the Drake R8, CJXX-Grande
>> Prairie, Alberta that doesn't put much signal this way. When KSWB  used
>> to be off at Midnight, CJXX was common off the Northern Beverage, but
>> never strong. A bit later I went over to another local,
>> KVAS-1230-Astoria-1KW at 6 miles, and wiped them out getting  KZZR-Burns
>> OR on top. Butte MT on 1370 by phasing KAST at 4 miles.  I also have
>> heard Gresham OR on 1230 mixing with KVAS during the day. This MFJ unit
>> works!! Works well too. Of course with all my the antennas, beverages I
>> use I can get quite a combo for phasing which makes it nice too.
>> Thanks Don for the use of the MFJ unit.
>> Much appreciated. Fantastic!!!
>> 73s,
>> Patrick Martin
>> Seaside  OR
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