Re: [HCDX] Weekly DX News
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Re: [HCDX] Weekly DX News

Whoops! Sorry for the blank reply I just accidentally sent :-(

The review of the Sony MZ-R70 MiniDisc is very useful. I wonder how much
of it applies to the Sony MZ-R37 reviewed by Bob Tarte in the Sept 2000
Monitoring Times I just received yesterday. You won't read about noise
or "chugs" in that review or about the joys of actually writing a label
on this tiny device. Do you know the differences between the two models?

I own a Sony DAT [TCD-D7] which has a survivability rating of a delicate
crystal goblet packet in a box of loose boulders and shipped via
stagecoach over a thousand miles of bad trails. Thanks to your comments
I will think twice before getting a MiniDisc, albeit the case that the
Sony MiniDisc recorder seems to have some nice features. Can you use a
microphone with your unit? If so you could easily "label" the cuts with
time, date, and other useful information. When I record with the TCD-D7
I often patch in a time hack from WWV to show exactly how much my
internal clock has drifted from the correct time. Since the MZ-R70 has
an optical cable, maybe I could record tapes with the TCD-D7 and then
copy the useful portions onto the mini-disc for posterity. Maybe there
is a larger "MiniDisc" unit that allows easier labeling and is possibly
a bit more hardy.

Tom Roach

----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Valko <dvalko@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <cumbreeditor@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
<gio.ser@xxxxxxxxxxx>; <bds2@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 12:53 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Weekly DX News

> Recently bought and have been experimenting with a Sony portable
> player/recorder.  Amazingly small.  I thought it would be just the
> for DXpeditions, but there are a few things I'm not very pleased with.
> First of all, its rather noisey.  "Chugs" about once every minute
which is
> annoying when you're trying to concentrate on DX.  It has the option
> recording in either stereo or mono, but defaults back to stereo every
> its turned off.  Recording in mono gives you 148 minutes on a 74
minute MD
> which is a plus.  I like the idea of labeling the tracks, but its time
> consuming.  Time wasted when you could be listening.  Its
> though...they certainly couldn't put a complete keyboard on it!!  I
> that with all the button pushing, they could wear out in short time.
> unit isn't much bigger than a regular minidisc itself and looks kind
> fragile.  Granted, I'm just looking at the disadvantages, but they are
> important to consider if its going to be used while DXing.  I'm hoping
> use it on some micro-DXpeditions this DX season.
> 73's      Dave

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