[HCDX] Re: Miskut
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[HCDX] Re: Miskut

This evening I caught a broadcast from Miskut.  Something I found
interesting is that during the broadcast, a beep is heard ever so many
seconds.  At first thought it to be QRM and not part of the broadcast.  But
at the end of the broadcast, they gave the ID at 2358 and then went to the
NA which was when I noticed the tape player they where using started causing
problems.  Slow then normal then slow, etc.  The interesting is that the
beep mentioned prevously was part of the slow and normal in the audio.  I
suspect this broadcast was a taped version of the mw broadcast and used as
the shortwave program.

I have had better copies of the Miskut in the past but too much static to
make a clear judgement but think for this time of the year, output to be
back where it was prior to the xtmr breaking down.
Bob Montgomery

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