[HCDX] 1188 kHz - Radio Drina 2 / Radio B2-92
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[HCDX] 1188 kHz - Radio Drina 2 / Radio B2-92

Special (clandestine) transmission on 1188 kHz
SEPTEMBER 24, 2000 (Sunday)
Elections day in Serbia, Yugoslavia

My monitoring of this channel (Times in UTC):

1645 - Radio Drina Second Program 93.0 MHz (Language: Serbian)
Alternative rock - entirely in Serbian, IDs

1706 - Announcement: "Citizens of Serbia! Where is Ivan Stambolic? ...
... Set Ivan Stambolic free! ..." Phone numbers to Beograd, mobile phone
numbers to advocates of Ivan Stambolic. "Committee for Liberation of Ivan

1724 - "Sloboda za Miroslava Filipovica!" (Set Miroslav Filipovic free!)

1728 - Announcement about jailed journalists. "Sloboda za Zorana Lukovica!"
(Set Zoran Lukovic free!)

1731 - ID of Radio B2-92 and regional TV B2-92 ("Regionalna radiotelevizija
"... 24 hours over Balkan" (Language: Serbian)

1733 - Radio B2-92 NEWS (incl. frequencies: Hot Bird satellite, FM 93 MHz,
Radio Sombor 666 kHz), bad modulation

Relay of Radio B2-92 continues ... transmitter technical problems: off air
1744-1745 ... pop, entirely angloamerican songs

1803 - Talk on elections in Serbia, reports ... interviews ... without
music, still talking at 1830 ...

1836 - Back to pop songs ...

1840 - Another comment of Radio B2-92 on elections


I think it could be ALBANIA - no signal of strong Albanian transmitter on
1458 kHz.
No Hungary heard in background - it seems they have been asked to stay off
the air (?)

very good, very strong in peaks, but also some deeper fade outs...

Karel Honzik
the Czech Republic

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