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[HCDX] Log



5010.3, Escuelas Radiofónicas Populares; Riobamba, Oct. 31, 0232-0300*, Nice
surprise hearing them, given the low power of the station (listed as 800
watts) and the generally poor conditions towards the region. Andean music
with lots of flutes, with short announcements by female. Not 100% sure about
language, but sounded like Spanish. At 0257 ID, followed by what sounded
like a canned S/off announcement. Mention of medium- and shortwave, and
"..Riobamba, ..., capital de la provincia....". This was followed by more
music untill 0300, when station went off air. 24242 (Veldhuis)

Heard on a Icom IC-R75, with a 20 meter longwire antenna and a Lowe PR-150

Mark Veldhuis, the Netherlands.
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