[HCDX] South Pacific loggings
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[HCDX] South Pacific loggings


South Pacific reception conditions are gradually improving, these are some
logs from today and yesterday:

VANUATU: 4960 R. Vanuatu 0624-0705 in E with southsea music, followed at
0630 by an educational program. At 0634, there was a transmitter failure
which lasted for about one minute. Yellow Bird IS and news at 0701, peak was
about 0635 with S=8, overall rating 24322 (Nov 07 Gehrig)

SOLOMON ISLANDS: 5020 SIBC Honiara (pres.) in E with southsea music and
announcements spoken by YL, signal much weaker than Vanuatu's and quickly
fading, O=1-2 (Nov 07 Gehrig)

FRENCH POLYNESIA: 8803u Mahina Radio (FJA) 0640 in F with ocean weather
report, 4/7. This is probably the only station from Tahiti with regular
voice transmissions on shortwave which is why I include it in my loggings
(Nov 06 Gehrig).

Enzio Gehrig
Dénia /Spain (38.50N 00.04E)
JRC 535D / IC-R 8500
Multiband Dipole / ALA-1530

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