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Again  with  soem interesting logs and  utilities ....

RUSSIA?? 4855 R Retro(?)  1843 with older russin ( tango)  songs , 1900 with ID 
in RR as Rotro and immediately after with more songs. DSB modulation ( 
suppressed carier ) . Signal S7 , 44444 while in SSB modes LIangas 8 NOv Greece 

cland? 6200 'Idaatu Shahia  ke Palestina ' , arabic songs ID by OM  in AR with 
references to USA  follwed by  song / hymn and 2002  with external reports on 
Palestine . Signal S9+20 but 42442  with very strong QRM from 6195 . Best 
either in USB or + 3.5 kHZ  while on AM 6kHz Liangas 8 NOv Greece 

(welcome back Russia ) 6930 R Rosii 2020 , talks  by man  in RR , music  
follwed by ID then older pop songs . Signal S2 but audibility  SINPO 23232 
Liangas 8 NOv Greece 

JOrdan spur 6985 again heard in 8-11 at 2033 being // 7155 with arabic 
soingsand  discussions betw OM and YL in AR . MOd seems semi FM ish 
Signal S4 variable per modulation to S8 Liangas 8 NOv Greece 

PIrate 6305.9 unIDed 1954 with music , OM in dutch giving various station names 
( AL intl , Rede Radio  Holand which i supose can be the stations  name ) 2004  
with germanic  polka and pop  song afterwards At 1935  signal was very low but 
after 2000 signal  was clear as 44324 Liangas 4 NOv Greece 

ICELAND 11402 Rikisutvarpid 1758  with talks by 2 pesons , man over music at 
1800 then news by YL+ OM . S2 to max S5 on USB but  audio is 44433
Liangas NOv 7 Greece 
FYI: I use an old LC100 printer conected  to my 462B reader . I do not know if 
MFJ has any memory upgrade  for 462Bfor at least 12 or 16 kB .If yo know 
anything please letme now. The model is of 94 and has the 1.10 version and has 
8 kB RAM. 


5796.8 tunisia 50 Bd with  intrenal taffic in ATU 8 at 2033 /8-11
7690.5 , 2023 unIDed with 5fgs and ecnrypted text and header.... 4-11
7855 marker with 2 dashes  per sec 4-11
12521 , Mumbay Navy RYs on 50 bd 1420 /5-11
10100.8 DDH with RY /1658/7-11
10102 T99C  1705  with QRZ S9 
10678 talks in AR , USB , 1731 
10780 '160' 1735 
10818 discussion in RR USB 1739
11350 OM in CC with fgs 1756 , 1758 discussions with another person - LOW 
10878.9 'VMGT BJ " SK at 1940 
8500 RBSL with RYs and 3lg text 1920 
13270 /10051 NY with wx 2310 

pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, dll
RX: R75/HF150/MVT7100  + 16m ant/1x1sqm + MFJ16010/1040/1025/752c/462 
http://www.geocities.com/zliangas/trip2k.htm ( to Bkk,SNG,BAli)
http://www.geocities.com/zliangas/index.htm(l) htm : frames
http://www.geocities.com/zliangas/shack3.htm Rx-system /Retziki
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