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TURKEY 5562 TRT 1 abrupt start at 1730 with a sport program , S9 44433 LIangas 
12 Greece 

CHINA 5060 Xinjiang PBS Good signal with versions from well known classic 
operas (carmen etc)  at 1731 33423 with Slight QRM from 5435 MOdssad 
LIangas 12 Greece 

Too many change of freqs from clands : 
unIDed 4600 .... KUrdistan 1735 with kursish  antem then another S5 
LIangas 12 Greece 

cland 3908.94 'sawt ahaab ...iraqi' 1807 with quranic verses and ID , talks 
when new tune in at 1822 , 3333LIangas 12 Greece 

Swaziland 3240 TWR 1832 in langage from ZBE talking abt mb then with a hilife 
song . S8 ! wih 33333LIangas 12 Greece 

pirate 6283 Spaceman ?  with germanic songs at 1850 . ONly S4  but <s1 at 1935 
LIangas 12 Greece 

PIrate 6306.25 R bidi ... 1851 with polkas  and quite bassy  and clear audio . 
relatively unIDable ID LIangas 12 Greece 

cland 6600  for KOrea for 1900 with man and talks in korean best in USB as in 
LSB  were 3 pirate ops , one playingmusic !LIangas 12 Greece 

unknown 6715 relig station  man in korean  with possibly catholic relig chants 
(at the  end with amen) MOd start with C+ USB  but alter was only USB 
LIangas 12 Greece 

utilities  all at 12-11
6617 Kiev? meteo , Yl with wx , Signal S8 !! , 44444 

6257 ( with USB test) MBTCNJ  BH  with encrypted mesages 1845 

6676 many ria stations: 
Sydney (t) at 1907 with wx and temps S4 -6 with preamp + 10 
Bankok with S6 ( from pronunciation) 
Karachi at 1916 ( ID) 
Melbourne(ID??) at 1932 

6800 CW at 1932 : 555 555 555 968 968 968 33 652 652 652 32 
9453 also anothr  numbers CW station same time 
pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, dll
RX: R75/HF150/MVT7100  + 16m ant/1x1sqm + MFJ16010/1040/1025/752c/462 
http://www.geocities.com/zliangas/trip2k.htm ( to Bkk,SNG,BAli)
http://www.geocities.com/zliangas/index.htm(l) htm : frames
http://www.geocities.com/zliangas/shack3.htm Rx-system /Retziki
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