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I had one of the best mornings for TPs than I have heard for quite
sometime. A new Filipino, JJ, and a tent. logging of Pen. Malaysia on
765 khz. Really different cx this morning, where the bottom part of the
band, up to 900 khz was much better, and the EWE was out performing the
K9AY by far.
531 JOQG JAPAN, Morioka, good with man in JJ at 1303 11/30.
558 JOCR JAPAN, Kobe, poor with JJ pops at 1315 11/30 (PM-OR)
567 KGUM GUAM, Agana, in like "gangbusters" with Jim Bohannan show
at 1330 11/30. Local ID at 1359.45 "Your Information talk station, KGUM
Agana" Into Net news. Best heard in a while. (PM-OR)
594 JOAK JAPAN, Tokyo, the best JJ of the morning heard S9+20DB at
peaks with JJ talk from 1230-after 1500 1/30 (PM-OR)
612 JOLK JAPAN, Fukuoka, weak in 610 splash, no sign of KUAM at
1345 11/30. JOLK in JJ talk (PM-OR)
639 JOWN JAPAN, Hakodate, good on top of JOPB (NHK2) at 1403 11/30,
with man with local or regional news in JJ, mentioned Hokkaido and
Hakodate a time or two. (PM-OR)
647.7 D.... PHILIPPINES, man in Tagalog talk weak off channel from
1320 to 1410 UTC 11/30. (PM-OR)
666 JOBK JAPAN, Osaka, very good with man in JJ at 1410 11/30.
693 JOAB JAPAN, Tokyo, good with EE News at 1401 11/30, but not
nearly as strong at 594. (PM-OR)
702 JO.. JAPAN, Synchros here //693 with EE News at 1402 1/30
729 JOCK JAPAN, Nagoya, good with JJ talk at 1340 11/30. This 50
KWer gets out almost as well as the more powerfull units. (PM-OR)
738 .... TAHITI, Good with man in FF at 1310 11/30. This was the
only regular Pacific station in this morning. (PM-OR)
747 JOIB JAPAN, Sapporo, weak in Lang lessons at 1333 11/30.
This season 594 and 693 have been better. (PM-OR)
765 ..... MALAYSIA??? Kuala Trengganu, Station here with non-stop
mornfull singing without any anmts at 1435 UTC 11/30. Would peak very
nicely and then fade out and come back just as strong. This sounded very
much like Hindi type rel. pgm. Nothing else fits per what is listed in
the WRTH. CX were not good enough for an Indian and other DX was from
the same general area. I tryed to find a SW //, but none heard. Anyone
else have any ideas? (PM-OR)
774 JOUB JAPAN, Akita , weak with JJ lang. lessons at 1322 11/30
801 UNID eak station in KGO splat at 1315 11/30, which sounded
Malaysian. I have Sabah here from the past. Infact it has been heard
more than once. (PM-OR)
828 JOBB JAPAN, Osaka fair with EE lessons at 1339 11/30
855 DZGE PHILIPPINES, Naga City, very good at times with what
sounded like Basketball game Naga City vs ??? excited man in Tagalog,
1327. Then at 1331 ID as "D-Z-G-E.....Filipino Broadcasting
Service....Eight Fifty Five......D-Z-G-E........" I had a tent. of this
back in the early 90s,but never could pull out an ID. Now to try and get
a QSL, on 11/30. New (PM-OR)
864 D... PHILIPPINES, weak Filipino here at 1347 11/30. (PM-OR)
891 JOHK JAPAN, Sendai good with JJ talk at 1335 11/30. (PM-OR)
981 D.... PHILIPPINES, Weak Tagalog talk here at 1322 11/30
1008 JONR JAPAN, Osaka, weak JJ talk at 1311 11/30 (PM-OR)
1062 DZEC PHILIPPINES, Quezon City, good with woman ancr with
tele. talk show. Excited female calling in, mentioned "DZEC" a couple
times at 1320 11/30, This is the most common Filipino these days.
1134 JOQR JAPAN, Tokyo, weak with man w/JJ talk at 1314 11/30
1179 JOOR JAPAN, Osaka, weak with JJ talk at 1315 11/30 (PM-OR)
Drake R8
EWE Antenna
Patrick Martin
Seaside OR
National Radio Club, Inc. - DX Audio Service
Visit us on the web at http://www.nrcdxas.org
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