[HCDX] Old Log Book (69-71)
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[HCDX] Old Log Book (69-71)

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I was going through some old DX stuff I have this afternoon and I found
my old log books from the late 60s/early 70s.  The DX was something

First, I had found I logged Nova Scotia at 0345 EST 10/22/69, CBZ. I
even had their ID down "This is CBZ. It's 15 minutes before 4 O'clock".
Too bad I did not send for a QSL. That was also before I taped
everything. I do have a few tapes around from that era, but I don't know
if I have that one taped.

It is funny, but a person forgets alot of stuff they log from over 30
years ago if you did not QSL it. I haven't opened these books for 25
years at least!

Stations like WBZ-1030, WABC-770, WNBC-660, and WCBS-880 were nightly
visitors. Hearing WBZ these days is a rarity. Forget about the others.

I found a logging of WEEI-590-Boston with an editorial of a MA state

970 was an interesting frequency. KOIN-OR, KREM-WA, KOOK-MT were all off
at least on MMs at Midnight. I have logged 12/31/69  at 0315 EST  Tulsa
OK,  Tampa FL, and Louisville KY all mixing. On 1/6/70 I have Portland
ME, Louisville KY, and an UNID SSer there.

On 12/24/69 I have WOHO-OH with WX and Christmas mx. The same morning at
0415, weather for Hickory, NC WHKY 1290! I wish I would have QSL'd more
of those. But as a college student at that time, I did not have much

In 1970, the GYer freq. of 1400 was fantastic. I am sure Bruce Portzer
will remember that. The nearest station MMs on was WMAN-Mansfield Ohio.
I think Bruce logged NJ there.  

Speaking of 1400, I see my tentative log of KSEW-Sitka AK (250 w),
signing off at 0204 EST 12/15 with Alaska's Flag, the state song. They
never answered my report. That one I do remember well. The station is
long gone now.  Ric Heald worked there back in the 60s I believe.

Latins, that are rare these days were all over the dial during AU cx
then.  Guatemala-880, Costa Rica-700 & 825. Chile on 1180, Peru on 954,
the list goes on. Here is one, Colombia-810 coming in like a local I
have written. KGO must have been off. Everyone was off in those days. I
was s/off's listed everywhere.

At that time I lived 4 miles up the road and all I had was either my 5
tube Philo radio from the 30s with 262 kc IFs, and the round dial with a
line every 10 kcs (not khz in those days), or the 8 tube Packard Bell. I
had a 300 to 600 foot longwire running N/S. No termination or nothing,
just a wire between two insulators and into the house to the radio. No
coax. Seems to me I did get alot of powerline noise at times those as we
lived near the street. But I lived with it. No matching transformers,
etc. None of that stuff. If I knew then what I know now........


Patrick Martin
Seaside OR

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