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On his WRTH-PWBR website 
Terry Palmersheim writes as follows:

    "The World Radio Handbook appears to have had
quarterly updates from 1954 until 1959 known as the
World Radio Bulletin. These continued until 1991,
different only in name; the Bulletin, Newsletter and

This perhaps calls for a footnote, as it happens that
one of the bulletins, the WRTH LA Newsletter, did in
fact continue until August 1994.  This bulletin was an
updater to the WRTH information related to Latin
America. Information was essentially based on
questionnaires returned from the stations to the WRTH
HQ, then compiled by WRTH Co-eds Tor-Henrik Ekblom,
Thord Knutsson and myself. The bulletin was sent out
to DX Clubs and WRTH monitors around the world,
initially by way of Co-ed Ekblom and, during the last
few years, directly from the WRTH HQ in Amsterdam.
Henrik Klemetz

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