[HCDX] AWR Contest-results
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[HCDX] AWR Contest-results

Dear friends around the world,

You can't imagine my happiness to be the world winner
in the 2001 AWR WAVESCAN DX CONTEST. Last contest, I
was the african winner, and now I'm the world one. 

For long time, I dreamed to be famous in the DX world.
Despite that my reception equipment  is poor, I tried
to achieve this dream, and as you see, I did it.
Thanks to God.

I offer this victory to my parents, to Tunisia, and
especially to Africa, this wonderful land.
                                            Here is
the full results:

AWR DX Contest  - "Most Beautiful QSL Cards"

	The final delivery at the end of October of listener
mail addressed to the AWR post office box here in
Indianapolis brought in the last entry for the annual
DX contest.  It was a registered letter from a
listener in Tunisia, North Africa.

	Following the statistical tabulation of the contents
of each entry in the AWR "Thirtieth Anniversary DX
Contest",  we announce that the world winner for this
big DX event is another listener who lives in Tunisia,
and he is Mr Achraf Chaabane in the city Sfax.  With a
total of 665 points, he easily outclassed all other

	The additional Continental Area winners for the 2001
DX contest are:-

Europe		Mr Herbert Stevens		Aachen		           
North America	Mr Andrew Lisowski		Springfield 	
Virginia, USA
Other Americas 	Mr Richard Chen		Tacarigua		Trinidad
Asia		Mr Subir Basu		            Kolkata		           
Pacific 		Dr Gershon Batulayan	            Cotabato	

	The world champion in this year's contest, Mr Achraf
Chaabane, is the first winner ever from Africa.  He
will receive an autographed copy of Jerry Berg's
ever-readable book, "On the Short Waves" as well as
the Bronze Medallion inscribed for the year 2001.  The
five Continental Area winners will each receive a copy
of their choice, either "Passport to World Band Radio
2002" or "World Radio TV Handbook 2002".  

	This year's "Thirtieth Anniversary DX Contest"
attracted a large number of very high quality entries,
and participants were invited to fulfill five areas of
information.   Many entries contained very beautiful
full color reproductions of highly-prized QSL cards.

	"Part A" in the contest requested a list of the five
most beautiful QSL cards in the listener's collection.
 The input for this contest requirement was very broad
and very varied with the listing of hundreds of
different QSL cards from more than 120 stations in 75
countries.  This list was as "long as the arm and as
broad as the world" and it was just impossible to
indicate statistically which is the most beautiful QSL
card in the world.

	However, in spite of fhis wide variety, a summary of
the compiled information demonstrates statistically
just which stations are regularly issuing the world's
most beautiful QSL cards.  In statistical order, this
following list gives the stations that are highest on
the list with beautiful QSL cards, together wiith the
point score for each station:-

	Radio Japan	NHK			Tokyo		Japan		114 points 
	Radio Taipei International CBS	Taipei		Taiwan	  51
	Radio Netherlands			Hilversum	Holland	  48
	Radio Australia			Melbourne	Australia	  47
	Radio Prague International	Prague	Czechia	  39
	HCJB					Quito		Ecuador	  32
	China Radio International		Beijing	China		  30
	Adventist World Radio		All units	Worldwide	  99

	The second requirement in the contest, "Part B",
required a listing of the "most wanted" stations, past
& present, as far as QSLs are concerned.  Again, this
list is as "long as the arm and as wide as the world",
with a total of more than 175 stations in 140
countries making the list.  Statistically, these are
the stations that made the top of the QSL "wanted

	LRA36				Arcangel	Antarctica	65 points
	BBC World Service			London	England	35
	Radio St Helena			Jamestown	St Helena	33
	Bhutan Brodcasting Service	Thimpu	Bhutan	32
	Radio Berlin International		East Berlin	Germany	29
	Radio Afghanistan			Kabul		Afghanistan	24
	Radio Kiribati			Tarawa	Kiribati	24
	Radio Nepal				Kathmandu	Nepal		24
	Radio Tanzania			Dole		Zanzibar	24
	Falkland Broadcasting Service	Stanley	Falkland Is	21
	AFAN					McMurdo	Antarctica	21
	AWR					All units	Worldwide	52	

	The requirement for "Part C" was to submit three (or
more) reception reports on any AWR transmissions.  All
of these reception reports will be QSLed with the new
AWR QSL cards which have recently been introduced.  
There are currently 24 new AWR QSL cards available,
with 12 designs in two different styles for each card.

	The fourth requirement, in "Part D", requested where
possible three radio cards for the "AWR Historic
Collection".  Several hundred radio cards were
submitted all of which are still being sorted and each
of which is a highly prized and valuable addition to
our large museum collection.

	The fifth requirement was also optional, and that was
to write a "Station Profile" for use on air in
"Wavescan".  A large number of suitable entries were
received and each will be used on air in an upcoming
"Station Profile" at the rate of one per month.

	Every year, the annual "Wavescan" DX contest attracts
a multitude of entries from widely scattered areas
throughout the world.  Many contestants in many
countries like to enter every year, and Jose Jacob,
VU2JOS in Hyderabad, India, states that he has not
missed one contest.   He has entered all 15 contests
since the beginning under the old DX program, "Radio
Monitors International".  In addition, new
participants enter the contest each year for the first

	Each entry will receive the new AWR QSL cards with
endorsement and the matching QSL stamps.  In addition,
a large number of AWR curios and mementos will be
awarded.  Each entry will be processed just as soon as
possible over the next many weeks.

	This year's DX contest was named in honor of the 30th
anniversary of Adventist World Radio.  It was on
October 1, 1971, that the first broadcast from the new
Adventist World Radio went on the air in the Italian
language from a 250 kW shortwave transmitter operated
by Radio Trans Europe at Sines in Portugal.


Year	World Winner	  City		    Country	     Name of
2002	Who?
2001	Achraf Chaabane	  Sfax		    Tunisia	     Most
Beautiful QSL Cards	
2000	Jose Jacob		  Hyderabad	    India	     AWR QSL
	Thomas Drescher	  Rosrath	    Germany	     AWR QSL
1999	Ron Killick		  Christchurch   N Zealand	    
Largest QSL Collections
1998	Hans Gosdschan	  Cottbus	    Germany	     World's
Largest QSL Cards
1997	John Wilkins		  Denver	    USA	     World's
Smallest QSL Cards
1996	William Matthews	  Columbus	    USA	     AWR QSLs
1995	Arthur Cushen	  Invercargill	    N Zealand	    
Five Best QSLs
1984	Salvatore Placanica  Cairo		    Italy	     RMI
Program Content
	Johannes Weidlein	  Schorndorff	    Germany	     RMI
Program Content
1983	Andrew Ellwell	  Sydney	    Australia	     DX
Club Programs
1982	Andrew Ellwell	  Sydney 	    Australia	    
Logging DX Programs
1981	Bryan Marsh	 	  Auckland	    N Zealand	    
Answer Ten Questions
1980	Bryan Marsh		  Auckland	    N Zealand	    
Identify SW Stations
	Gordon Darling	  Caversham	    England	     Identify
SW Stations
1979	Ashok Kumar Bose	  Kolkata	    India	     Spot
the Mistake
1978	Douglas Doull	  Auckland	    N Zealand	    
Identify ID Signals
1977	Victor Goonetilleke	  Colombo	    Sri Lanka	    
AWR Program Outlets

Dear Wavescanner,

	Thank you for entering our big "Thirtieth Anniversary
DX Contest" which was held during the month of
September 2001.  Your entry was indeed appreciated . 
Please find enclosed your QSL cards and QSL stamps. 
Your award for the "Thirtieth Anniversary DX Contest"

	This year's contest gave equal opportunity to
experienced DXers as well as to those who are new to
the international radio scene.  The statistical
procedure for next year's contest will again give
equal opportunity to all international radio monitors,
DXers and shortwave listeners of all levels of
experience.  We invite you to enter our 2002 DX
contest in September next year

	Next September, you will be invited to give the
details of your very first QSL card or letter from a
shortwave broadcasting station.  You will also be
invited to list the details of your very first QSL
from Adventist World Radio.  As an optional extra, you
will be invited to submit a cassette recording of the
tuning signal and opening station announcements from a
local shortwave station near you.  (For those who need
it, we will make payment for the cassette tape and the
postage.)   Full details will be announced around mid
year 2002.

Thank you and may God bless you and your loved ones at
this season of the year.
Season's Greetings!    Adrian M. Peterson, DX Editor.
Achraf Chaabane
DXing from Tunisia
E-Mail: <achraf_chaabane@xxxxxxxxxx>

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