[HCDX] ADMIN: Public Warning - bcdxnet list
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[HCDX] ADMIN: Public Warning - bcdxnet list


Risto Kotalampi, HCDX
April 22, 2002

I want to warn everyone about bcdxnet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx email list. For the 3rd
time HCDX list was added today to the list without anyone requesting it. 
The group has 298 members - and probably less than 10 of them have joined 
it by their own choice.

If anyone is on the list -- I'd advice to unsubscribe immediately and avoid
the list at all costs. Do not think the list is a legitime list. Never send
anything to the list. The owners of the list are not interested in open 
communications and well being of anybody else but themselves. Their agenda is
to spam everything that moves.



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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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