[HCDX] LOgs 20 21 24
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[HCDX] LOgs 20 21 24

CHINA 4750 Qinhai PBS 2220 .After the 'east is red '  OM with ID and time inCC 
then program sched . Short gap then music and adverts .Signal S9 /44333   21 April 
, Liangas Greece 
CHINA 12130 Chinese opera channel strikes here at 1642 untill 1700 when the V of 
hope strikes with S9+20 db 24 April , Liangas Greece  

M'SIA 15295 V of Malaysia 1705 with  slow rock song (Ella?) and older songs. 
1730 with news .Signal S9 better heard in LSB or QSN = 3 kHz to avoid QRM  from 
RFI on 15300 at S9+20db 24 April , Liangas Greece 

BOTSWANA 4820 1710 talks by OM and YL  and also a child . possibly children 
program . Signal S9 , 34423  24 April , Liangas Greece 

Mauritania 4845 2021 talks - possibly news . Signal S9 44423  with fast fading 20 
April , Liangas Greece 

LIBERIA 4760 ELWA 2045 OM with religious talks with many spontaneous peaks 
from the priest .Signal nearly marginal above local noise at  S4 22232 best on USB 
20 April , Liangas Greece 

EIRE pir 6295 Refs Europe 2053 , OM giving address and Tel number , ID at 59 of 
Ref Europe  then prg from V of truth and address in Alabama USA hen theme on 
revelation , 32332  20 April , Liangas Greece 

INSIA 4925 RRI jambi 2154 one IS sounding as 'cock's voice', then at56 with small 
music part then YL with talk inI NS , a hymn ( not the indon hymn) then 
Connection with RRI JAkarta  with SCI  first 21 April , Liangas Greece 

BRAZIL 9675 R Cancao Nova 2203  with news Refs  energia of 3 MW , on republic 
, political talks and reports .Signal S5 or 34333 21 April , Liangas Greece 

BRAZIL  9645 R Bandeirantes 2231  talks by OM . Signal S4 , 21 April , Liangas 

operator? 9235 at2215 with signal S4 playing Arabic songs !
 21 April , Liangas Greece  

pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, dll
PP: R75/HF150/MVT7100/D2935  + 16m/1x1 + MFJ16010/1040/1025/752c/462 
/trip2k.htm (dlm Bkk,SNG,BAli)   /MP3_comp.htm comparison Xing/Fastenc 
/napa.htm crash test Napa DAV315 MP3 player 

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