[HCDX] LOG: PERU 6819.56
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[HCDX] LOG: PERU 6819.56

Just when I thought I'd had enough luck for one day, I stumble into
another carrier.  This one with much better sound ;)

All receptions done in Curitiba, Brazil, using an Icom R75 and a homebrew T2FD
antenna of 15 meters in length and a random wire of about 20 meters length.
Full or partial reproduction of these logs is allowed.

PERU, 6819.56, Radio (Voz de?) las Huaringas, 0155 UTC.  Male announcer
in spanish, light andean music. The announcer seems to announce the
station as both "Radio las Huaringas" and "Voz de las Huaringas",
SIO 233.  (Riel, aug 3)

Bravely reimplemented by the knights who say "NIH".

http://www.surriel.com/		http://distro.conectiva.com/

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