[HCDX] Amazon WRTVH Order (???)
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[HCDX] Amazon WRTVH Order (???)

While I realize this is NOT the fault of HCDX, I thought I'd let
you know of this message I received from Amazon.com. 
in case others are receiving or will receive the same message.
Being a supporter of the DX Hobby and HCDX I ordered Passport
and WRTVH some time back via the HCDX link.  I received this
bizarre message today from Amazon telling me the WRTVH was
no longer available from their supplier, yet the link they gave me
is for the SAME BOOK (!??!).  Except since the single book is
under $25 so I now would have to pay shipping.   The "substitute"
book they mention is the SAME book I originally ordered!


Greetings from Amazon.com.

We are sorry to report that the following item is no
longer available from our supplier.  However, we have learned that a
substitute is available under a different Item number.  You may link
directly to our catalog page for the substitute using the URL beneath
the unavailable item:
  Ordered item: Wrth Publishing "World Radio TV Handbook 2003 (World
    Radio TV Handbook)"
  Substitute: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0823059677

The unavailable item has been cancelled from your order.  If you would
like to purchase the substitute item, please visit our web site to
place a new order.
Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address
that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.

Thanks for shopping at Amazon.com, and we hope to see you again.


Customer Service Department
Earth's Biggest Selection

---[Start Commercial]---------------------

World Radio TV Handbook 2003 is out! Order it now!


---[End Commercial]-----------------------
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