Re: [HCDX] Radio at sea
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Re: [HCDX] Radio at sea
At 09:40 AM 2/12/03 -0000, you wrote:
> In April my sister-in-law is crossing the Atlantic aboard a
>from the UK to Montreal.
>She's taking a portable sw receiver, and I'll be arming her with schedules
>and guides.
>Does anyone know about, or have experience of, radio reception at sea? I
>assume short wave and medium wave will be little different from listening on
>land, and listening in the bowels of an iron ship might be similar to
>listening in an apartment block built of iron girders, albeit on the move?
Medium wave could be quite different. Some magnificent ground wave in the
daytime, and rather like a coastal Beverage antenna DXpedition at night,
based on my experiences 1000 km. offshore in the North Pacific on several
occasions. BUT this was with a decent outside antenna (I was lucky enough
to use an 8m high vertical, matching transformer and coax lead in). Inside
a ship there is a big problem with using a radio with an internal antenna ,
as there will be large signal attenuation from all the iron and large
amounts of local electrical noise. Holding such a radio up to a porthole
might help some.
On a container ship with few passengers, she will likely get to know the
crew members who work on the bridge. They may be sympathetic to letting her
listen on the bridge's HF radio, if they have one, depending on how
important they regard monitoring 2182 kHz.
Hope it works out.
best wishes,
Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, B.C.
e-mail: Nick_Hall-Patch@xxxxxxxxx
(mail forwarded via nhp@xxxxxxxx)
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