[HCDX] ADMIN: comments about the policy of the list
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[HCDX] ADMIN: comments about the policy of the list


The recent email about dead journalists in Iraq caused some questions and
the flame war was brewing. Let me make couple of comments about this and get all
of us back to the shack catching few interesting radio stations:

1) I accepted the email to the list because of it's information about ham radio
situation in Iraq and not to make any statements for or against the war in 
Iraq. I understand that the article was very flammatory and I probably should 
have read it through little bit better and request cleaning the content from
the politically motivated contents. My apologies.

2) We don't want to make the HCDX list as a tool for any politically motivated
cause regardless if anyone (for example, me) is in favor or against them. 
My personal opinion has nothing to do with the decision to approve the email or 
anything else with the general moderation policy of the list. People who knows 
me should know on which side I stand, and it might be for or against the war. It
just has nothing to do with the list or our hobby.

3) This list don't allow off topic discussions. But it's impossible to avoid 
off-topic remarks when they are bundled with some real DX information. We are
strongly recommending to avoid any off-topic remarks and if they become a pattern
we usually request stop making them or rejecting further emails from the list.
When the discussion escalates about those off-topic comments on the list then 
it's time to cut those out. Like right now... please don't continue the discussion
about this thread unless you have some new points to make about this list or our 
hobby related. Your emails have to add some value; we don't want to waste 800+ 
people's time with garbage comments, short "I agree" emails, "this sucks" comments 
etc. Just remember: does my email add some value to the recipient? 

4) In my opinion this hobby of ours should not be mixed with any political, 
religious, ethnical or any other non-HCDX issues which can divide us to different 

Radio is radio, good conditions are good conditions regardless if you're extreme 
green, hard red communist or extreme right winger, christian, muslim, jew, 
buddhist, hinduist (sp?) or anything else. It doesn't matter what you are in this 
hobby and that's what makes DXing such a great global hobby and a reason to keep
this neutral. If you want to form your own biased DXing group and mailing lists 
there are very easy ways to do that. There are also multiple email lists, web 
sites, etc to express your views -- you don't need to do it over here.

Let's go back to catch up to those interesting radio stations this war has brought
up and forget if you'll really agree with them or not.



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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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