[HCDX] back here ...
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[HCDX] back here ...

Back again after more than 3 weeks... my computer was for 
service, new problem on radio reception  

>From 9th  of  this month  powerline noise (PLN) from the  nearby 
10kV electricity towers effect  again my reception ,  with a S9 to 
S9+10 level over all the bands. Noise seems quasi ignition or 
spark type since only in short parts of the band noise blanker can 
eliminate it. IN other cases my MFJ1025 double antenna noise 
canceller can beat the noise but not 100% and requires very fine 
The PLN  is  quite strong  around and outside the house 

I made a call  to the national Electricity company DEI  for this 
noise problem . The officer in charge insisted that I was the first  
claiming about it, and supposes it is a local transformer problem 
or due to possible overload from electrical appliances. (but still 
exists though we are in cold weather and rain  for today ) 
It is expected powerline communications to start in late end this 
year by DEI?s  daughter company Tellas . 

Here are a few logs the previous 2 days. ( and using the new bhi 
NES 10-2  external noise blanker) 

PAKISTAN 21465 at 0838  was with signal 24132 . For prior days 
did not find any signal on this freq. The supposed 15095   for 
same time was not used Liangas  26 on Thessaloniki Greece 

unIDed 17845 pres. RFA?  0654 talks by man and woman in lang 
seeming Tibetan . Close with music but not apparent ID heard. 
0700 sign off. Good Liangas  27 on Thessaloniki Greece

PAKISTAN? 15110 unIDable Pakistan? 1645 with nice old duet 
pop hindi songs . 44444  S9+10 db max better abt 1700 with 
sudden QRM from 15115  that made me lose   the ID (Liangas 
28th  Retziki  Greece) 

N KOREA (p)15245  R Pyongyang 1705 empahtic talks  by man 
and woman posibly news . Signal S7-9 , 34333 (Liangas 28th  
Retziki  Greece)

M?SIA 15295 VoM  is still  having nice signal here at S7-9 btu 
always with strong QRM from +/- 5kHZ  RFI and VOR/VOA 
respectively at S9+20 (Liangas 28th  Retziki  Greece)

N KOREA 6250.28 Pongyang Pangsong 1727  talks yby man and 
woman // 6398.8 , 32432 with S7 (Liangas 28th  Retziki  Greece)

Cland 6350 V of Tigray Rev?n 1739  talks by man and woman in 
amharic1743 with music  . Echoed audio with  0.5 sec delay . 
32432 with carriers  in both bands (Liangas 28th  Retziki  Greece)



pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, dll
http://www.schoechi.de/crw/crw-sat.html  Cland web page (new!) 
PP: R75/HF150/MVT7100/D2935  + 16m/1x1 + 
/trip2k.htm (dlm Bkk,SNG,BAli)   /MP3_comp.htm comparison 

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