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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 29-30
** ALBANIA. R. Tirana, 7425, March 30 at 0233, poor but audible with high local
noise level, usual English opening with transmission schedule. Propagation from
Europe above 6 MHz band was quite degraded. The 0330 broadcast was barely
detectable. See also ISRAEL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** COSTA RICA. No sign of ELCOR test, 5954.1, Sat March 29 around 2250 or 2320
chex; has anyone been hearing it lately? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** COSTA RICA. REE relay, still off-frequency on 9764.0, March 30 at 0218 in
Spanish, much weaker than DGS CR on 9725, 15 vs 21 over S9; however, REE //
9675 was much stronger than 9764. BTW, 9675 is a smidgen on the hi side but
nowhere near 1 kHz off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. RHC`s new 11680 still in use tho not on schedules, March 30 at 0217
check in Spanish; fair but fading, with not much else audible on 25m.
6140, March 30 at 0248 with lo-fi narration, historical lecture; sounds like a
TV soundtrack, // better 5965 but the two a reverb apart so different sites or
feed routes.
Cartas a la Redacción, mailbag program on RHC, UT Sun March 30 at 0310 on 6060
saying the show is scheduled Sats at 10:10 am and 11:10 pm Habana time. This is
an external service, so why do they expect those abroad to know or care what
time it is in Habana, which doesn`t even stay the same from one month to the
next? That would be Sat 1410 and Sun 0310 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** CUBA [and non]. Dentro-Cuban Jamming Command notes: March 29 at 2310, R.
Martí in the clear on 9565, no jamming audible, tho RHC signal was good on
As for the radio war with Radio República: March 30 at 0225 the jamming was on
6185 against innocent bystander Radio Educación, with Mexican music, while RR
was axually on 6100 at this hour, and totally free of jamming; 0227 ID and
slogan ``ni el tirano ni su hermano`` which rhymes a lot better in Spanish than
in English.
At 0258, 6100 irrelevantly announcing that they were closing on 9955, and
giving RR schedule there as Sat-Sun 1-3 am, 12-5 pm, 10-12 midnight, zone not
specified. Now some jamming was audible underneath 6100. 0259 another
announcement claiming that RR was ceasing 6185 and moving to 6100 at ``9 pm``
--- but it`s 11 pm in Miami and Habana and it`s already on 6100!
Transmission break of a few seconds just before 0300 allowed jamming only to be
heard briefly. This is suspicious, indicating a possible site and/or antenna
change. 6100 is generally listed as Sackville without adequate proof, IMO. At
0313 jamming had overcome RR on 6100, and at 0317 XEPPM was in the clear on
6185, but squeezed by 6180 Cuba and 6190 --- see NETHERLANDS [and non] (Glenn
** EGYPT. R. Cairo on new 9280, English to NAm at 2300-2430, already March 29
at 2305 check, usual very low modulation, despite S9+20 signal, YL talking;
nothing on ex-9465 and not clear why they needed to move. 2315, 5+1 timesignal,
7 seconds later than WWV, standard remark; news theme and unintelligible news.
This confirms 9280 which was not shown as English in the Cairo A-08 skeds
circulating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN [non]. See MOROCCO
** ISRAEL. 9390, March 29 at 2308 in presumed Hebrew, M&M dialog, flutter;
Albania is scheduled here in A-08 at 2300-2430 in Albanian to NAm, but this was
not // 7425, so March 30 and 31 there may be a conflict on 9390 before Kol
Israel self-destructs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MOROCCO. Presumably some of the last broadcasts of R. Farda via Briech site,
March 30 at 0228 on 6115 with rock, VG signal at first, 0230 ID, and most of
next semihour was talk, still so at 0250; I guess that`s the 7 am news
magazine. Also // Morocco 7105 found at 0234, not so strong. For A-08 in the
0200-0330 time period, the Farda SW frequencies are 5860 7280 9510 --- Sri
Lanka, Wertachtal and Wertachtal respectively, no match for Morocco reception
back here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MOROCCO. RTM, 5980, March 30 at 0232 with rustic band music, Arab singer,
then ID by YL mentioning Tanger. Initially good signal gradually faded down.
The question is whether the Moroccans will keep these secret (from HFCC, Aoki
but not EiBi) transmissions going after the Americans pull out of Briech (Glenn
** NETHERLANDS [non]. Big collision on 6190, March 30 at 0302 between RN in
Dutch and CRI in Spanish, a slow SAH between them. This is nothing new as for
B-07 both were scheduled to CIRAF zones 7 and 8 in NAm! Bonaire at 320 degrees
and Sackville at 277 degrees. Fortunately, in A-08, CRI is gone, or rather not
on 6190 until 0500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA. 7300, the defective Russian transmitter with motorboating noise, no
other audio detectable, at 2316 March 29 and still at 0009 recheck March 30.
Believe this one is on 5900 in B-seasons; not sure of real site, but Olle Alm
can remind us. Listed as Serpukhov in A-season.
Looked for V. of Russia, UT March 30 in the 0200 and 0300 hours, but nothing on
6240, 6155 or 7350, the frequencies still showing on their undated schedule at
Suspect they have made A-08 changes without telling us, as all those are
deleted, and/or propagation so poor that even German relay on 6155 was not
making it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. REE, Amigos de la Onda Corta, DX program in Spanish already shifted
one UT hour earlier, Sunday March 30 at 0305-0330 on 6055 // 6125, giving its
own frequencies; report on sale of 700 MHz spectrum in USA; propagation
predixions for various SW bands (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See
** SWAZILAND. Listening to VATICAN [q.v.] to NAm on 6040 via Sackville, March
30 at 0255, in addition to the other QRM, TWR music box IS could be heard. This
is Manzini warming up for the Kikuyu broadcast at 0300, the same collision in
A-08 as in B-07 --- Christians vs Christians! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTNEING
** SWEDEN [non]. R. Sweden insists on staying on 6010 via Canada, despite
Mexico and Colombia, both of which interfere with Sweden and vice versa; March
30 at 0230 opening in English, and after 0300 in Swedish, so this was still
B-07 rather than A-08 scheduling (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY [and non]. VOT already made the frequency change from 5960 to 6195
for the English to ENAm broadcast as of Sat March 29 at 2343 check with
time-filling multi-lingual ID (have they added the three new ones?), plugs for
competitions, IS at 2355 or earlier. Yes, they changed the frequency but not
the time. In A-08, 6195 is at 2200-2250, presumably starting March 30. 6195
still on after 0000 March 30, in German, getting weaker into noise level.
German is on the VOT World satellite schedule for 0000-0100, but not supposed
to be on SW!
As for the new relay via Sackville at 0300 on 7325, not a trace of it March 30
at several chex after 0300 --- could be the low MUF took it out, as CHU 7335
was not audible either, nor WBCQ 7415; and WHRI 7315 SC was poor by this hour.
Let`s hope for better luck subsequently (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Geophysical Alert Message # Solar-terrestrial indices for 29 March follow.
Solar flux 83 and mid-latitude A-index 11. The mid-latitude K-index at 0300 UTC
on 30 March was 4 (43 nT). No space weather storms were observed for the past
24 hours. No space weather storms are expected for the next 24 hours (SWPC via
** U K [non]. BBCWS via Ascension to Africa, 6145, March 30 at 0315 with report
on plastic pollution in the Pacific, good // 7160. These remain useful in NAm
for A-08, the first scheduled at 0300-0400 only, the second at 0300-0600 (Glenn
** U S A. WYFR on new 6985, 0221 March 30 preacher in English reading from Song
of Solomon, hot stuff about love apples, sucking breasts. Initially quite
strong but later in evening fading down a lot. Not to be confused with other
Abrahamists, Israel Radio, formerly on this frequency at other times (Glenn
** U S A. KTBN, 7505, still going March 30 at 0224 with ancient Billy Graham
sermon in black & white. The guy sure was certain of himself, a great asset in
persuasion, even if it`s totally unwarranted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A [non]. VOA, 6080 via São Tomé, in English with forum about Tibet,
March 30 at 0320; there was a SAH of about 5 Hz from unknown 6080 station,
unlikely Minsk and not much else scheduled. In A-08 this is to be ruined by
Prague via Sackville starting at 0330.
Not much making it on 7 MHz, as noted under TURKEY, but March 30 at 0329 heard
Y. Doodle on 7340, VOA opening something, just barely audible. This is
Kinyarwanda/Kirundi, in A-08 via Sri Lanka, but in B-07 via Botswana, no doubt
had to be the latter this one last night for propagational reasons (Glenn
** VATICAN. VR, 6040 via Canada, March 30 at 0229 IS; English feature after
0250 was interview with Terry Ascott, founder and CEO of Sat-7, TV networks for
Christians stuck in Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia where there is no place
to worship; or in Iraq where they need to lock themselves in their houses for
safety, especially at night. From one original network in Arabic, there are now
three, the second featuring Turkish/Persian, other languages, and the third for
children covering 5 timezones. This lasted until 0308; see http://www.sat7.org
Thruout on 6040, VR had some co-channel underneath, LA? Slightly off-frequency
making a fast SAH. See also SWAZILAND (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VIETNAM [non]. VOV, 6175 via Canada, March 30 at 0325 mailbag in Spanish
with heavy Viet accent which must be heard to be believed. This relay including
English at other hours never has a very good signal here, partly due to Cuba on
6180 --- Commies vs Commies! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZIMBABWE [and non]. Am not often monitoring 90m at this hour, so maybe not
unusual, and strangely enough my hi local noise level is currently not so bad
on 90 as it is on shorter wavelengths. March 30 at 0240 scan of the band,
undermodulated music on 3396, so what could it be but ZBC? 3320 South Africa
was quite a bit better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 5985, under weak WYFR Spanish, March 30 at 0305 could hear two
tones, hi and low, alternating every 6 seconds, and a SAH. The only thing I can
find listed here, in B-07, not A-08 is BBC Persian via Rampisham (Glenn Hauser,
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