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[HCDX] Logs this week
With logs from BCDX and latest DSWCI newsletters (after 25th )
PERU ? 4746 poss Huanta 200 talks in SP signal 203 22332 Liangas Mar
CHINA 4750 Qinghai PBS news 2307 , S7-9 44233 Liangas Mar 24th
KYRGYZ 4795 //4010 Kyrgyz Radio 1 23112 talks by YL in KG 2313 with
folklore music , very under-moded S8 43232 Liangas Mar 24th
BRAZIL 4805 RN Amazonas 2315 talks OM YL over music S5 Liangas Mar
6300 RASD 2321 talks OM in Spanish ` nostro pais' kara e kara S9
Liangas Mar 24th
S'PORE 7235 Warna 2325 S7 discussions S9 3433 Liangas Mar 24th
ISRAEL 6973 + 7545 on 2329 with Hebrew versions of Greek folk songs
with buzuki. Both with S10 . Spurs on 7570 and 7485 for the 7545 signal.
Liangas Mar 24th
INSIA 9525 VoI 1343 with kroncong like songs (I heard mentions for
Sulawasi versions ), ID in Korean , , 1400 with ID again S9 43434 Liangas
Mar 25th ON 1400/29th on 9526 with signal low on S5 and Indo language
Cland 9415 DVBurma 1429 played classic music . Start with a trad tune ,
OM then in bamar with talks and reports Nothing on 7495 . Signal S9 ,
42542 best on LSB , QRM from 9420 Liangas Mar 25th ON 29th with
same level /
9635 R Okapi news , talks by YL , mention of R Okapi S7 44334 Noise
level S2 Liangas Mar 26th
PERU 4790 R Vision today at S2 Liangas Mar 26th
MONGOLIA ?12085 VoM? 1515 with man talking in JJ 1516 with operas
Signal level S2-3 Liangas Mar 27th
[SUDAN] 9840 Sudan radio service 162x with prg in Ar and interviews in
outdoor places, someone mentioning Merlin Monroe . at 1630 a mention on
international development . At 1655 talks in a local language (Dinka?) that
seemed as Amharic . 1657 with instrumental folks . 1700 QRMed in carrier
by VOR. 1704 the VOR carrier left leaving SRS again in clear , but using
different transmitter with lower signal and stronger fading S9 34333
Liangas Mar 27th
[IRAN] 7480 Payam e dhoost 1807 with `revolutionary' songs S9 44444
Liangas Mar 27th
M'SIA 9750 VoM 1815 with rock songs S9 43413 (F1 rippled due to co
QRM with R Japan ) At 1828 mixed with a Turkic language station (VoA
Azeri per Eibi ) Liangas Mar 28th
LIBERIA 4760 ELWA 2038 with a mix of talks by OM and music. Signal
S3-5 max but due to strong local QRN and lightning QRN it was quite
difficult to listen to him Liangas Mar 28th
[ALGERIA ] 5915 //9850 Quran prg , talks by OM in Arabic 2128 with
quranic preaches , OM mentioning Katul or Auja , Kuran il Kirim , then back
to quranic preaches. Both with good signal S20
GUAM 9585 ??? un IDed 1315 with talk s by OM /YL in bamar , A rock
song on1318 and on 1321 YL saying `kisi linali nito' at least 4 times. More
talks after At 1329 very strong carrier S20 fromVoTurkey in Farsi >Eibi
shows Karen from KTWR Liangas Mar 29th
Pirate 6882 R Playback with nice old pop songs (Rozanna on 1353 ) and
IDs "this is playback nonstop" on every song At 1407 the ID changed to
`Power FM' 34534 S3-7 max Liangas Mar 29th
Please read my aricle on SINPO at (one line!)
http://zliangas.blogspot.com (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)
http://zlgr.multiply.com (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE
http://www.worldisround.com/articles/302315/ (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos
http://www.flickr.com/photos/zachgr pictures upload
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece
greekdx @ otenet dot gr ---
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop
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