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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs May 26, 2008
** CHINA. CNR-1 jammers, sounds like a drama, May 26 at 1642 on 9905 vs R. Free Asia in Chinese via Palau; and // on 9930 against Sound of Hope via KWHR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MADAGASCAR. Netherlands national anthem, which RNW apparently plays once an hour concluding each Dutch transmission, until 1657* May 26 on 15335; this is 335 degrees from Madagascar. Earlier in the hour was also hearing 13740, also Dutch but at 359 degrees, replacement since May 15 for 13840 tnx to China (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. After weeks of poor to nil reception on 15450, VOT surprisingly good May 26 after 1300 concluding Hues & Colours, later Turkish folk music. Perhaps a fluke opening from the region, with VOR also in on 15550 et al. SWPC 1200 UT mid-latitude K-index of 2, and Solar Flux for the day before of 68 would hardly account for it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTNEING DIGEST)
** U S A. WBCQ, 15420-CUSB, May 26 at 1657 with the Fence Lake Prophet in characteristic cadence, usually two syllables even pitch, next syllable higher pitch, i.e. anapestic meter, but not strictly so as the passages read were not intentionally written in that way, sometimes three plus one, as in Morse U or V. In any event, this prophet`s brain is wired in a very strange way. Fair signal. 1702 broke for program ID as Words of the Spirit, offering free printed publications by that name and Battle Cry Sounding. Gave e-mail address prophet @ [something].com and P-mail address which I could not copy either. Pause at 1703:30 to 1704 or so, but no WBCQ ID inserted; is it ever? Some SWBC stations believe FCC hourtop ID requirements do not apply to them. Later, heard from Allan that he has upped power on 15420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WHRI, 11785, with spurs worse than the day before, May 26 at 1638, big distorted blob on 11775 blocking Defunct Gene Scott, Anguilla, and another one on 11795 with no detectable victim. Christians vs Christians! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZIMBABWE [non]. SW Radio Africa, 12035 via Rampisham UK, May 26 at 1710 interview with MDC activists who have fled. Seemed not entirely in English, or I was not locked into the accent yet. Reception improved from fair to good as I listened for a few minutes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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