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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 2-3, 2008
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. R. Africa, 15190, big carrier at 1954 Oct 2, just barely audible modulation. Why can`t some stations ever get their act together and keep it together? If you don`t have any significant modulation, can`t you tell that is the case at the transmitter and just turn it off? What`s the point of burning the kWh? Bulletin: you can`t have one without the other and claim to be `broadcasting`. Well, you can the other way around, SSB modulation and no carrier, but this isn`t that. Maybe RA should consider that if they can only rely on one of the two. Not that we really care, since all they broadcast are gospel huxters, even those facing criminal charges of child porn and sexual abuse. I listened to a few seconds of Tony Alamo on WINB and right away heard him talking about fornication (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. Observations of the US Vice Presidential debate, starting at 0100 UT Oct 3: at the last minute, WBCQ announced it would broadcast the debate live on 5110-CUSB. Audible here running 15 seconds behind C-SPAN; I wonder what WBCQ`s source is. Kudos for being the only known private US SW station performing this public service, while there were none at all for the first Presidential debate.
With local noise sources running, I scanned all bands from 16 to 60 meters at 0118-0123 and could not find a single VOA frequency with the debate, altho there surely were some on the other worldside. 15595, which was barely audible for previous debate, could not be detected now. There was however, an open carrier on 6040 at 0123, and it signed on as usual at 0129, but instead of Spe-cial Eng-lish immediately joined the debate in progress. A minute later the VOA announcer talked over the debate which did not pause for him, to say it was ``special simulcast coverage`` and invited e-mail reaxions to debate @ voanews.com Then found same on // 9820, also as before. And as I write at 0142 UT, I bet both of them go off again at 0200 in the middle of the debate.
Most surprising was discovering live coverage of the debate, with immediate voice-over translation into Spanish, from REE, Spain on 9535 and much better on 6055. Shames VOA Spanish which was not doing it. After 0200 these should be joined by several other REE frequencies, 3350, 9630 via Costa Rica, 6125; and 6020 should already be on via CR as well.
BTW, I cannot detect any correxion in Sarah Palin`s lenses, making me suspect she is wearing glasses for some other reason, such as to make her look more intelligent. See my Tips for Rational Living Commentary in upcoming DX Listening Digest 8-110 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Following up my earlier observations of WINB: silly me, I assumed the schedule on the WINB website was correct. Well, stations are entitled to the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise by axual monitoring, which is extremely easy to accomplish, as RHC has also found out.
I had certainly heard 11520 between 21 and 22 with Brother Scare, several times in past weeks, but not any more. At 2058:30, 13570v went from the Fence Lake, New Mexico preacher to sign-off announcement, talking over the Star Spangled Banner! And these gospel-huxters are supposed to be super-patriotic? That`s equivalent to flag desecration. They don`t quite get what you are supposed to do with the SSB, which is: play it all the way thru unimpeded, even if it is a shortened version, when signing on or off.
Announced QSY to 9265, no mention of 11520, cut off with SSB still playing at precisely 2059:08. Meanwhile I was standing by on both 11520 and 9265. Nothing ever came up on 11520, but a much weaker signal than 13570 came up exactly one minute later on 9265. It had the same warbling unstable carrier as 13570 when monitored with BFO. Did not sound like Brother Scare programming; signal built up a little bit by 2106 when I could be sure the singing on 9265 was not // the B.S. talking on WWRB 9385. If another site was carrying B.S. on 11520 during this hour, it was inaudible. Reception from Europe was not very good, but Vatican to Africa was audible on 11625.
So WINB is not using 11520, which the FCC has not listed anyway, and contrary to its own claimed schedule, switches directly from 13570v to 9265v at 2059-2100 UT. Also, as noted earlier, it appears WINB stays on 9265 at least two hours longer in the morning than the authorized 1200 switch to 13570. And then there`s the YFR and BS programming which does not match the schedule either. Multiple things are amiss here. Cf my comments under EQUATORIAL GUINEA about getting act together (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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