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Re: Cowboys play Buffalo
This is a message from Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxx>
to dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Can anyone make any sense of this?
> "...Cowboys did play Buffalo ... we're covering ..
> the Vikings at home"
> This was heard on our expedition in Blokhus on 1390
> khz after 0700 UTC.
> It was n o t WFIW Fairfield - they had their id
> on the hour but maybe one station in the Great Lakes
> region covering the Vikings.
> Any help is appreciated with thanks.
Sounds like NFL football. Vikings is from
Once again, this posting belongs to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list,
not to dx@xxxxxxxxxx that is Finnish only email list.
Risto Kotalampi, Hayward, California
rko@xxxxxx - http://www.iki.fi/rko/