A DX night to remember
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A DX night to remember

This is a message from Mika M{kel{inen <mtm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx

Last night, from Friday Dec. 26th to the morning of Dec. 27th reception
conditions toward North America have been better than I have ever
experienced in Southern Finland (Northern Finland is a world of its own
with good DX being much easier).

Stations from the East Coast surfaced around 2100 UTC, and for instance
WHO from Iowa on 1040 was audible already at 2231 UTC! I listened until
around 0300, when most TA frequences were open, but with nearly 600 North
Americans verified, getting new ones was tough; the only new one for me
was 1360 WDRC.

I woke up before 0700 UTC and the AM band was just booming with North
Americans, this time conditions favoring the Midwest and the Rockies - no
new ones for me, but an unforgettable listening experience.

Right now its almost noon in Finland, but some stations can still be
heard; 1600 KYGO and 1570 CKMW being the strongest ones. I'm using an
NRD-535D with a poor non-directional wire antenna of only 50 meters in an
interference-infested suburban area.

Mika Makelainen, Vantaa, Finland