Jatketaan sarjaa 'kivoja kusilleja', kun niitä nyt
on alkanut tulemaan helmikuisen Lapinpeditionin jälkeen.
WITY Danville, IL 980 ilahdutti tänä aamuna
oheisella mukavalla meilillä. Tosiasiassa asemaa on kuultu Suomessa
muutamia kertoja, mutta eniten tässä lämmittää se,
että aseman toimitusjohtaja innostui faksaamaan raportin
aseman omistajalle! Eli kyllä
raporteista jaksetaan ilahtua, ainakin toisinaan.
I am the owner of Station WITY 980, whose general manager, Dave Brown, has faxed me your letter of February 16, describing your February 8 listening experience. Although we have received similar letters from listeners as far away as Eastern Canada, you are our first recorded European listener. Globalization has arrived at WITY. I hope that you enjoyed our music format! WITY is a 24-hour-per day, one kilowatt station utilizing a three-tower directional antenna, with its maximum lobe oriented 355 degrees; Your reception must have been from the northeastern edge of that lobe -- an "over-the-pole" shot. Unfortunately, not many of our potential listeners have access to 1000-meter antennas. You indicate that you are managing director of a marketing research firm. Any suggestions which you might make on how we should market our new Finnish audience to advertisers in Central Illinois would be warmly appreciated! Thanks for your letter -- and keep on listening to WITY! Sincerely, Don Ward |