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Vielä hieman jatkoa noiden 52 Megan asemien suhteen.
Tarkemmin asiaan perehdyttyäni olen oivaltanut, että kaksi niistä (Star
107.9 ja Verulam FM 87,7) on ihan oikealla FM-alueella, kun taas kaksi muuta
ovat kuultavissa vain sairaalan kuulokkeiden kautta!
Tässä brittiläisen dx-kuuntelijan Dave Kennyn kommentit:
... the others two (WCR Community Radio & Birch Radio Rochdale) are hospital
stations heard only on cable (probably wired cable, rather than FM cable)
which would be heard on headphones within the hospital wards. The link
would be a feed from the studio to a separate hospital building as some of
these hospital stations serve several hospitals within the same town. Its a
great catch as the link frequency would be their only broadcast outlet!
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