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[DX] CMF Radio/Radio One 15500U
MARLO website latest advisories at
give CMF Radio this schedule:
"Coalition Maritime Forces broadcast music and information
helpful to mariners in the ongoing war on terror. Mariners
may listen to these broadcasts by tuning into:
6125 kHz 0300 - 1400 (GMT)
15500 kHz 1400 - 0300 (GMT)"
The station has been monitored on 25 Oct on 15500U announcing the
above schedule. They were heard using ID's Radio One, CMF Radio
and Radio Malumat. In Pashto the ID was: "Da Radio Malumat day"
Jari Savolainen
Tsekkaa HCDX:n uusi www sivu: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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