AM DX NewsFlash 9-14-95
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AM DX NewsFlash 9-14-95

This message is sent by Risto Kotalampi <rko>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

Here are selected parts from AM-DX NEWSFLASH

KGAL, Lebanon OR is now on 1580, ex - 920.

Geomagnetic Summary September 7 1995 through September 6 1995
 Tabulated from WWV at ~0500 GMT nightly

   GEO - Geomagnetic activity     mis - minor storm
   mas - major storm              SA  - Solar Activity
   maf - major flare

Date    FLUX    A    K    SA          GEO                 OTHER

 9/ 7    70    24    4    very low    quiet-mis           -
    8    69    18    2    very low    quiet-mis           -
    9    69     9    1e   very low    quiet-active        -
   10    68     9e   4e   very low    quiet-active        -
   11    68    21    2    very low    quiet-active        -
   12    69    12    2    very low    quiet-active        -
 9/13    69    16    3    very low    quiet-active        -

phil Bytheway - Seattle WA:  phil_bytheway@xxxxxxx

 594, 1318-1333, JOAK Tokyo. Fast-paced melodrama. No break at 1330. Good
      level at t/in but fade to poor by 1332. NHK1 home service program,
      //11705. (Atkins 9/10)

 666, 1335-1339, JOBK Osaka. NHK1 home service program, //11705 with drama.
      Poor to fair level. (Atkins 9/10)

 693(t), 1341-1345, JOAB Tokyo. Tentative, and very weak signal. M talk in
      Japanese that seemed //747 (also faint) with NHK2 program. Many other
      strong split-freq. hets noted this AM on MW. (Atkins 9/10)

gatkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Guy Atkins - Bonney Lake WA)


# Risto Kotalampi                 # Tel:  +358-31-3165955     #
# Kotanet Communications Ltd      # GSM:  +358-40-5051690     #
# Kanslerinkatu 8, 33720 TAMPERE  # Fax:  +358-31-3165957     #
#          # Email: rko@xxxxxxxxxx     #
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