A log
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A log

This message is sent by - Zacharias Liangas  - <zliangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

Dear friends of the list 

My todays 's  log: 21-9-95 

R national dos Amazonos 4805 at 0100  to 0104 with SINFO 13332 ( 
with ATU ) with  OM speaking   asll this time style soccer .DAte 
The station seems not to be audible here every time therefore I think 

it can  be for your interest

Eqpt :
HF 150 LOWE 
ATU homebrewn 
6 m sloped antenna 
11 m hor antenna 
QTH : Thesaloniki 23E 40.4 N 

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