Special logging
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Special logging

This message is sent by - Zacharias Liangas  - <zliangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

Just some time  ago I have  heared one strange  emission ,but for me 
it can be rare  since it is the 2-3 rd time I have heared in 2 years ! 

9275 R Finnland  in USB //15440 checked with 2nd radio . recetion 
1907-1928* most times  with reports (1907-14) . SINFO 14243 
normalized ( ATU and preamp out ) 

Eqpt :
HF 150 LOWE -position USB only 
ATU homebrewn 
6 m sloped antenna 
QTH : Thesaloniki 23E 40.4 N 
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