MW logs from Newfoundland
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MW logs from Newfoundland

This message is sent by Jean Burnell <jburnell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

THANKS to Andrea Lowendel/Mauricio Molano (Hard-Core DX) for the alert regarding
the Spanish elections ... I managed to get regional ID's on four Spanish Radio 5
outlets, two of which were "new" for me.  Also, I finally snagged one of the 
HCJB tests: so far Rich McVicar says that I'm the only one who has reported 
reception of this test to him....Didn't anyone else hear it?? Jean

Jean Burnell   Drake R8A w/ 20-meter random wire through Connelly MWT-2 

DATE and times are UTC.


1017	SPAIN  RNE Radio 5, Burgos, MAR 3  2338-2345 - Regional election results
over the German; the major SS stn had results for Castilla y Leon and a speech 
by the leader of the Partida Popular in Catilla y Leon; full net programming at 
2345; SIO 333

1107	SPAIN  RNE Radio 5, Ca'ceres, MAR 3  2130-2140 - Election results from a
number of Radio Cinco stns each w/ different regional results, one stn briefly 
dominant at 2134 Ided as "Radio Nacional de Espan~a en Extramadura", full net 
programming resumed at 2140; SIO 322

1107	SPAIN  RNE Radio 5, Santander, MAR 3  2330-2334 - "Radio Nacional de 
Espan~a en Cantabria" regional ID was fairly clear, but the Ca'ceres faded up to
severely QRM; SIO 332

1125	SPAIN  RNE Radio 5, Toledo, MAR 3  2228-2248 - Was supposed to go to 
regional results at 2230, but a victory speech by a member of the Partida 
Popular was carried by the full net until 2237, then the delayed regional break 
(2237-2247) revealed at least 3 RNE outlets of comparable strengths: the only 
one IDable was from Castilla-La Mancha; SIO 322


690	ECUADOR  HCJB1, Quito, MAR 3  0601-0615 - Only some code from the HCJB 
DX test was discerned, but it was sufficient for Rich McVicar to confirm by 
E-mail that it was indeed them; under CBF and a rel stn in EE that I think was 
Anguilla. Many thanks, Rich!!
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