Unid 1638
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Unid 1638

This is a message from Mark Mohrmann <mohrmannm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
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Greetings from northern Vermont in the USA:

Received a very strange signal this morning 6 Jan on 1638 khz. I'd appreciate 
any help in identifying it: 

   1123-1147 Weak signal with a slow fade on it. Only audible part of music 
played was flutes with occaisional vocals, my impression was Arabic rather 
than Latin American. M anncr with deep bass voice between songs, one break 
almost sounded like English. 1130 W anncr for 3 minutes, maybe with news? 
Back to flute music and M anncr until I tuned out after a deep fade. 

   Nothing // on 819 khz. This was not a particularly spectacular morning up
here in Vermont for BCB harmonics in the Tropical Band. Very few of the usual 
suspect harmonic carriers were heard. Gray Line suggests eastern India and
western Indonesia/Australia but I find that a bit too fantastic to even
Shawn Axelrod (http://www.cybercomm.net/~slapshot/st1600.html) lists an
on 1638, Radio Lebanon Australia? Before I take off on anymore flights of fancy
I'd appreciate some levelheaded suggestions. Thanks

Mark Mohrmann - Coventry, VT USA
NRD 535D with 440 ft V-Beam at 180 degrees