Re: [HCDX]: R.San Marino Intl. once again...
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Re: [HCDX]: R.San Marino Intl. once again...

Obviously, there is controversy with this approach.  The ARRL and other ham
organizations sponsor DXpeditions to rocks in the ocean...just to get a new
country...therefore this is exactly opposite the philosophy discussed.
Hopefully, if a station, even tho how small, how temporary, is broadcasting
for listening pleasure, the location of the transmitter should constitute
where the station was broadcasting from!!  The studio doesn't matter--take
some of the relays by VOA, BBC, etc.  Of course, everyone is entitled to
his own opinion...

Controversy is always fun, especiallly in this hobby.

Dan HendersonAt 11:00 PM 1/14/98 +0200, you wrote:
>> My personal opinion is that San Marino is not a new country for us,
>> regardless of the fact that Radio San Marino Int. swears ten times that
>> it really broadcasts from the teritorry of S.M.
>> Well, maybe it is true, it is not difficult to take a car or a van 
>> with broadcasting equipment and go to San Marino (it is in fact located
>> "inside" a teritorry of Italy).
>> But, on the other hand, the people behind RSMI may be too lazy to go
>> to San Marino, so they simply broadcast from Florence, Milano, Rome etc...
>> and pretend to broadcast from San Marino. You never know at a pirate
>> station...
>I agree completely with Karel. For what it's worth, the Finnish DX
>Association (FDXA) decided already before the controversy that Radio San
>Marino Int. doesn't constitute a "station point" for those members who
>count verified stations - basically because it is a land-based "hobby"
>pirate, no matter which country it broadcasts from. 
>DXers and DX Associations of course have different criteria on what
>stations they listen to and regard as broadcasting stations, but in FDXA
>illegal landbased pirates are excluded from official statistics. Their
>loggings are nevertheless posted in FDXA publications.
>The decision was taken by a committee in charge of counting points, to
>which I belong. It will be announced in the upcoming issue of
>"Radiomaailma" magazine. The intention is definitely NOT to try to
>prohibit listening to such stations - such restrictions would be pointless
>and contrary to the nature of the hobby. Even I listened to their tests
>and sent in a reception report, just for the fun of it. However, if you
>want to compare DX achievements by counting stations, you have to create
>certain common criteria - and RSMI doesn't fill the requirements set by
>Mika Makelainen
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