Re: [HCDX]: NEWS: Chad on 4904.5
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Re: [HCDX]: NEWS: Chad on 4904.5

On Fri, 16 Jan 1998 12:49:57 +0100 Willi Passmann <dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>I just was informed by OM Christian Roosen, who called RNT Ndjamena by
>telephone to get information about the future plans concerning use of 
>60 m band frequency.
>Although the station got a new final stage tube for the transmitter, 
>do not plan to reactivate 4904.5 kHz on a permanent basis. The 
>will only be used as a possible temporary replacement for 7120 kHz.
>(Christian Roosen via Passmann, Jan. 16)

Did I miss something here?  RNT was audible on 4904.5 as recently as
late-December here at my QTH in the Southeast U.S.


J.D. Stephens
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