[HCDX]: Re: UNID 1373.44
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[HCDX]: Re: UNID 1373.44


Indeed Mark was right.  Yesterday evening and this evening I've an
Ukrainian station with the Promin program wandering in the 1373.44 -
1373.90 kHz range with good signals, making reception of St. Pierre &
Miquelon next to impossible.  Let's hope it will go back to where it
belongs, just after our trans-Atlantic friends have logged it.
Thank you Mark for your tip!


Fabrizio Magrone, Forli', Italy

>>This evening 15 January I've an unidentified station on 1373.44 kHz, never
>>heard before.  Non-stop instrumental music (modern piano mx, some
>>jazz-fusion mx) from tune-in at 2125 UTC; short announcement by man at
>>2155, maybe in some east-european language; abruptly off at 2158 
>>Fabrizio Magrone, Forli, Italy

>I'm not sure on this one, but the Ukraine has had a notorious
>drifter that has moved up and down from its nominal 1377 over
>the years.
>Mark Connelly - WA1ION

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