Re: [HCDX]: Re: UNID 1373.44 - 1370
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: UNID 1373.44 - 1370
> Ukrainian station with the Promin program wandering in the 1373.44 -
> 1373.90 kHz range with good signals, making reception of St. Pierre &
This stn has been heard even on around 1370 kHz making reception
of NA on this frequency difficult...
Furthermore, Ukrainian radio has not been 24 hours since last summer.
That is why many frequencies are now free for long-distance reception
during European nights. Last August I heard the Thai stn on 1377 kHz
after the s-off of the Ukraine tx on 1377 kHz.
BTW, it seems that Ukraine has serious technical and energy troubles.
Many transmitters are drifting & night time services closed etc.
Possibly the night service was cut not only because of economical
reasons but also because of energy shortage caused by troubles at
Chernobyl where one reactor is still in use?
Jorma M.
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