Re: [HCDX]: THE K.R.W. VOL 13 # 3
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Re: [HCDX]: THE K.R.W. VOL 13 # 3
At 00.25 18.1.1998 +0100, you wrote:
>I think it would be enough to spread two or three editions as a sample, and
>if anybody is interested in receiving this bulletin afterwards he can
>subscribe it. Just as for example Wolfgang Bueschel's excellent BC-DX. He
>is not molesting anybody by sending it out to those not interested in it.
>If you like to receive it, send him a mail and he'll put you on his list
>and send it to you. It's that simple.
What is this BC-DX? I'd like to have a copy. What is Wolfgang Bueschel's
e-mail address?
73, Mauno
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