[HCDX]: clands and hard DX
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[HCDX]: clands and hard DX

Special anaytical logs  for Saturday 31 -1 -98  with mainly clands 

CHINA 6937 Yunnan PBS 1410-5 31-1 with instrumental  folks , female with titles
Spelled  names syllab by syllab 33333 At 1431  wuith jammer for 10 mins Liangas
Greece first time trial that hour ! 

unknown xter 9230 V of Democratic Eritrea 1515 31-1 anthems ,marches  OKM w
speakings in Arabic vocal songat 1559 with ID ?huna idaatu sawt eritrea.......?
( this is the V of eritrtea ..... ? and a rthimic songs 23332 Thank  for Grace
for the QRG  ( via Contact) 

6230 unID ed 1606 31-1- with quran then 1610 analysiss  in a turkic language
Liangas Greece 

ERITREA 7085 V of ritrea 1639 31-1-with  rythmic ?western? song 21332 Liangas

cland 7095 V of S Azerbaijan 1644 male then female  speaking over instrumental
music At 1659  with ID such as ? hula azardi azerbiajain ? , many reffs then in
news to Azerbaijan  Program Acala kake secalim  at 1705  with a  artivle  for
inra - Azrei relations . At 1728 with  adress and a % of station  then sig n off

TAJIKISTAN 5800 Tajik R 1806 31-1 songs  Signal was bad at 33233 instad of 4444
of 3 months before Liangas Greece 

GABON 4775 RTV Gabon 1826 31-1  songs and ON speaking in French , Sinal si very
undermodukated 32331 with carrier QRM Liangas Greece 

"adhered AM-HCDXers never listen to FMSS!"
Good HCDX is also listening to 1xxx1 stations 
Zacharias Liangas
pen-DX sejak 72
anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, DSWCI #3507
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas  SHORTED !
http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html  (mirrored for greek pirate radio )
http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/lot/2638   NEW NEW 
pesawat penerima : Lowe HF 150 , SONY IFC 7600 D , Philips 2935 antena 6 m & 11 m 
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